What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor?

My life has been reduced to a morass of clicktracks, third normal form, and rickety old holey vee-hickles. grok grok. Driving The Indefatigable home on the freeway last night felt like being inside a wind tunnel. Miraculously, my feet stayed dry. And then when I got to class this morning, everybody was talking like a pirate. I mean including people my age. Talk Like a Pirate Day? Who knew?

Not everyone is as boring as I am, so we’ll check in with Lizard Breath, if she doesn’t mind. She’s probably about to kill me anyway because I just screwed up her email account. 🙁 If you’ve been keeping up with Fin G4 at all, The Lizard is working for a bilingual radio program in Berkeley, CA, called Childhood Matters. You won’t be getting a blow-by-blow about that experience from me. But she recently recorded a public service announcement for the show and that show is downloadable here (Sept. 17th show). I listened to the whole thing. I’m her mom and it was interesting and I’m glad that I don’t have to deal with MooU football games to support my kid. 😉 She comes on at about 23.5 minutes. If you *are* interested in listening to the program, I had better luck downloading it in a zip file, unzipping it and listening to it via iTunes. Streaming didn’t work very well but it could’ve been my computer or connection or who knows.

And there is even a pic of her on the show’s website (yes, her last name is spelled wrong). Scroll down after you click.

Talk Like A Pirate Day is one o’ my favorite days! Grok grok!

2 Responses to “What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor?”

  1. Kathy Farnell Says:

    Shave ‘im in the belly with a rust-eye razor!

  2. gg Says:

    [Dm] What shall we do with a drunken sailor
    [C] What shall we do with a drunken sailor
    [Dm] What shall we do with a drunken sailor
    Earl-eye in the morning!

    [Dm] Way hay and up she rises
    [C] Way hay and up she rises
    [Dm] Way hay and up she rises
    [Dm] Earl-eye [C] in the [Dm] morning

    Put him in a long-boat till he’s sober (X3)
    Earl-eye in the morning!

    Pull out the plug and wet him all over (X3)
    Earl-eye in the morning!

    Put him in the bilge and make him drink it (X3)
    Earl-eye in the morning!

    Shave his belly with a rusty razor (X3)
    Earl-eye in the morning!

    Heave him by the leg with a running bowline (X3)
    Earl-eye in the morning!

    Keel haul him untill he gets sober. (X3)
    Earl-eye in the morning!

    That’s what we do with the drunken sailor (X3)

    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Earl-eye in the morning (X3)