Non-Thanksgiving and home
It was an absolutely fantabulous party but I was so tired at the end of non-Thanksgiving last night that I was flat out on The Commander’s couch probably 15 minutes after the last guests left. And that was like at about 8:15 or 8:30 or I dunno what. Probably at least a few hours before a certain dinosaur birthday party started out there in Cali. Sorry, we are not [usually] 20-something partiers like we used to be [a couple of summers ago, or two weeks ago or whatever]. [Bwa-ha-ha-ha.] It was a *good* tired, do not get me wrong!
Anyway, The Commander cooked a fantastic Thanksgiving-type dinner. Uber Kayak Woman made pumpkin red kuri squash pies and wilted spinach salad. Jeep and Pan brought wonderful hors d’oeuvres. Football was on, TV and iPhone. Dice games were played. By your own favorite non-gaming KW, even.
We (UKW, GG, and I) had been playing around with the idea of a walk from town (SS Siberia) to Fin Family Moominbeach early this morning. We didn’t quite make that plan happen. But the alternative plan did! The GG and I drove out to Fin Family Moominbeach and met up with UKW and walked the drainage ditch road up around to Five Mile and the Ganzhorn Gash and then we walked the southern part of The Engineer’s namesake nature trail. We had a coffee and red kuri squash pie at Dennis’s beautiful cabin and then we went back into town and collected our crap and left for the Planet Ann Arbor.
It was a beautiful drive down. Weather is crazy in the Great Lake State this weekend. It was too warm for snow but we hit everything else. Rain, hail, and sleet. Although we were mostly on dry pavement. No tornadoes, thank you veddy much! I think we are on the cusp of switching over to a winter weather pattern. So, although I took pictures of my bro’s namesake nature trail, I decided to post cloud pictures instead. The first picture is from the Rudyard flats, then there are some Mackynack Bridge pics, the rest are below the bridge and they end somewhere south of West Branch. We stopped at exit 181 for gas and I started to drive then because generally I like to drive the traffic-ey parts of the route. So after that I was not free to take pictures.
Love y’all. To those left o’ Birch Pointers, missed your faaaaar. Knights next weekend?
Click here or on the pic for a cloud slideshow.
Last but not least, love to Suzie, my beautiful sister-in-law in Florida. It is her birthday today. Miss you, Suzie.
October 27th, 2008 at 10:37 am
Great cloud pic’s. Breezey for the walk at da Point. Walked side by each. The weekend commith to have a good Knight.