That moment when it’s the Batscope Hour and somebody is bumping around in your house…
And it’s not you… Was it the GG? He has been known to rummage around in the wee hours. Nope. I didn’t panic and reach for my gun. I am a gun owner but I have never shot one. I don’t even know where my damn gun is. It’s okay. Everything was all right. I didn’t even panic. I remembered my Dee-troit beach urchin saying something about coming over on Monday. I looked out the window and sure enough, there was Ruby out in the street. Monday? Actually it was well into Tuesday by then. Actually, it was pretty much past the Batscope Hour even, seeing as it was less than an hour before the time I habitually get up. One of her BFFs is “home” for the holly-days so I’m sure they were out “whooping” it up somewhere. But yikes! The extra bedroom is a MESS!!! And there’s a BIG Secret in there. I bumbled around apologizing for the mess.
Shades of the past. Back in the day, people came in and out of The Landfill at all hours of the day and night. I usually left the door unlocked. People (friends too) made a certain noise when they came in. No, I won’t say what it was. I had my Moom Moments. The ones where you wake up and it’s 3:00 AM and your college kid is not home yet. I didn’t panic as much about that kind of stuff as my parents did. Usually. But then, back when I was a kid, nobody had a cell phone. At any rate, I can still remember the sound of The Indefatigable turning into the neighborhood and driving up the street. Yes, I could hear it from three blocks away. On the nights my mom-dar was all lit up, I knew my kid was home and I could relax.
So I did get up less than an hour after that and… Skunk Walk, trip to the Jackson Road Meijer (still dark), walk to Plum Market, drive downtown, bake Chex mix and pita chips, downtown with Lizard for bibimbap at Kosmo, home again, walk to Plum Market [again], pre-cook stuff for dinner, Sinking Spell [kee-rash] with xword puzz.
So we got to Kosmo for bibimbap and found a booth and man oh man, I was blinded by the light! Where did this object come from? A facebook friend suggested it might be a UFO. At any rate, we sure haven’t seen Mr. Golden Sun for a while. I spent my Sinking Spell basking in the sun by my front window.
Everybody’s here now. All four of us. Faaar in the faarplace. Eggplant P in Gertrude’s top oven. Bread that Mouse brought to cook in her bottom oven. Mouse’s coffee shop for morning and yes yes yes, I have the ingredients for mimosas.
We wish you a merry Christmas!
December 24th, 2013 at 8:12 pm
Sounds like it’s going to be full of family, fun and mimosas!! Ashley loves them too. Hope it’s a very merry holiday for you and yours!!
December 24th, 2013 at 11:44 pm
Merry Christmas!
December 25th, 2013 at 12:20 am
Merry Christmas to all! Though, it is just passed, a tad, by Christmas Eve.
December 25th, 2013 at 11:18 am
Happy Holidays to you and yours. R&T and I shared smoked sturgeon, Prosecco, and my Gorgonzola cheese spread while opening gifts. . .Smelled like Orange swirls baking, as I sent them off with some of those for this morning. Here’s a toast with you and your mimosas. We ate Italian too, comfort food, lasagne. Big hugs and wishes for good things for all of you as the light returns!