Jetsetters on a hillbilly budget
Aaaannd… We’re off! Signed a contract today! Initial design made and picked out some of the basics. From left to right in the photoooo. Turquoise (Ocean Blue) “subway” tile backsplash, probably 3×6″ rectangles. White wood cabinets, plain, no fancy rococo or even shaker stuff for me. White sparkly quartz countertops (click and click again to embiggen). Light oak hardwood floor. More decisions will ensue of course, including how much wall to knock out. CKL and a carpenter-type person are coming out tomorrow to drill holes and look at what’s inside that wall, which was originally the back wall to the house, before the previous owners built the AAAAA-dition.
I’ve delegated the wall decision to the GG and he is deferring to me on colors, surfaces, and other aesthetic stuff. No marriage counselor needed this go-round. (Yet.)
Does it sound like I have made hasty decisions? I did not expect to choose all of that stuff today. But here’s the thing. Having CKL ask me questions served to help me sort out what I really wanted and didn’t want. I knew a long time ago that I would probably be going with wood flooring and I had the overall color scheme largely down. If you are one of my five regular readers, you are wondering something like, “What happened to the granite countertops?” After taking a break from this whole prodject for a while, I realized a couple things: 1) Granite is “too much” for my little 50s ranch-like beastie. 2) I was largely lusting after granite because it was a “fad”. I have lusted after many gorgeous granites and it is certainly a wonderful choice for many chitchens. In the end, it was too much for mine. I was skeptical when I first saw this quartz but I warmed to it quickly and I don’t think I’ll change my mind. I do like sparkly things. Up to a point, that is. I am not a “diamonds are a girl’s best friend kinda gal” [grin].
So, those are the basic materials. I will add touches of red and black and some other bits of color via accessories. Maybe I’ll even find a wee bit of wall space for one or two of my rainbow-hued Anny Hubbard prints. (If you click on Anny Hubbard and scroll down a bit (after reading about her!), I own a print of that clothesline painting! Anny is a Class A person and was a friend of The Commander.)
Alas, I think we both know that when it gets *done*, we will want to renovate the rest of the damn landfill. I think we can start by getting rid of a whole bunch more stuff, including some furniture.
Going out to celebrate at the Real Seafood. Er, actually that celebration is not really about our upcoming reno but I’m sure we’ll toast it anyway.
Kayak Woman
January 30th, 2014 at 9:21 pm
It looks wonderful! When we were redoing our kitchen a bit, and I mentioned granite counter tops, Patt gave me his classic eye roll. “We don’t have that kind of house!” So, we put nice vinyl that looks a bit like granite. 🙂 And the vinyl flooring looks somewhat like tile.
January 30th, 2014 at 11:23 pm
A toast too all. An H B, today?