No this is not my skirt!
It was a mystery skirt. I received a package last week. Receiving a package in the mail around here is turning into an *event* given that there have been SIX days in 2014 that we haven’t received mail delivery. It was a shipping envelope that looked like it might contain an article of clothing. It was addressed to me. I didn’t recognize the return address. I order clothes online all the time. Shopping for clothes in person is not my thing. I hate going to the mall. I am pretty dern good at eyeballing things that will fit my stringent criteria for comfort with at least some modicum of style. Kayak Woman-type style that is, not fashionista style. At times it gets to the point where I don’t remember at any given moment what I have ordered.
So, okay. I opened it. There was this cute little skirt. Problem. I didn’t remember ordering it! Well, it almost looked a bit like a hiking skirt. I have been known to order hiking skirts. Then I noticed a handwritten note on the invoice: “Sorry for the delay!” or something like that. Then I realized it was probably waaaaaay too small for me and too short for a hiking skirt. Hiking skirts are usually not quiiiite that short. What size? I finally checked the size. S Or XS. Whatever… Hmmm… Medium is more my size. Sometimes Large…
Lizard Breath sent me an xmas list a while back, mostly clothing. Clickety-clickety-click, wasn’t that easy? Packages came in and I opened them and wrapped them and totally didn’t keep track of what I ordered. I didn’t care! I love buying things for my beach urchins. Took a photooo, sent it in a text message, “Uh Liz, is this something I bought you for xmas?” Yes, it was. I packaged it into a priority mail envelope, took it over to the Stadium post office uscan and sent it off to Day-Twa.
I used to wear stuff like that a lot. Mini-skirts were all the rage when I was a teenager. I can also remember when “hot pants” were a fad. Hot pants in those days were fashionable little shorts that you could actually wear to school. I made a loverly hot pants outfit in my then fave color burgundy with complementary colors. Do not google “hot pants”, you will get, well, not the relatively sedate outfit I used to wear to school. Liz is more years beyond high school than I am strong enough to admit on most days and I don’t think she ever wears “hot pants” but she will look cute chic? in this skirt. But probably not as chic as she looks in cross-country ski gear!
P.S. I still wear short skirts but they are knee-length or just below and I wear colorful tights with them.
February 4th, 2014 at 10:16 pm
I used to wear hot pants too and the ones at my school were NOT sedate. 🙂 Love the skirt. It would look great on my daughters too. Where did you get it? (if you ever figured it out)
February 5th, 2014 at 1:17 am
@Margaret but it’s kind of absurdly expensive…
February 5th, 2014 at 8:54 am
I think you “need” some glow in the dark solar system leggings for your O’skunk-thirty walks! 😉