“Be prepared for tremendous melting”
We’re planning a little trip to the yooperland this weekend. I have not been there since mid-October when we closed down the moomincabin for the season and then hiked and camped with our North Country Trail buddies up at Tahquamenon. I have taken exactly half a day off since January 1st. I even worked on MLK Day, which is a paid company holiday. I am taking a day and a half off this week. I am overdue for a little R & R and we don’t even have any Commander-type chores to do this weekend. So we will watch whatever lake freighters manage to make it to the locks and hike post-hole out in the woods and catch up with Jeep and Pan and a certain other entity — if he isn’t hiding — and I don’t blame him if he is because I was kind of hiding last summer too. And maybe we’ll hit Clyde’s for a nice greasy hamburg on a bun. I’m ready.
The loverly photo of the Ninja’s dashboard displaying an 81 degree temperature is not from today. It is from April 10, 2011. Today, Our Northern Correspondent posted “Be prepared for tremendous melting” on my facebook wall and I remembered driving down from the yooperland that day. We had dense fog for much of that trip as the snow, still deep across the north, melted in above-freezing temperatures.
I remember that day for other reasons. When we left The Commander that day, she was pretty much her normal self. I didn’t feel a compelling need to call or text her when we got home that night. I figured she’d see my blahg and know we got home safely. Turned out my mom-dar was off but the next couple days were busy (we bought the Frog Hopper on April 11th), so I didn’t know it until I finally called her on Wednesday and it was obvious that things were not exactly normal. And that is when my life changed forever. I won’t go into detail about that today. You can go back and read if you want. I will say that I was much funnier in those days than I am now even though my life was pretty much turned upside down for the duration.
Or maybe that’s why I was funnier. Thinking back remembering all those days telecommuting from the long term care rehab facility and how I ended one of my work days by pulling Mumma’s baby doll out of the bathtub wastebasket in the solarium and depositing it on her bed. BTW: Mumma is not *my* mother, she was a long term care resident with advanced dementia. My ever-loving mother was horrified at having to live under those circumstances and with those people, even for a temporary period and even though the staff absolutely adored her. She had compassion for those who were less fortunate than she but it was hard for her to live amongst them. And I can’t blame her.
April 9th, 2014 at 9:50 pm
Drive safely tomorrow please <3
April 10th, 2014 at 4:56 am
Yeah, have a safe trip! I can see snow up there, but mud? Wonder if Clyde’s is open. I know BP is. Enjoy the view ‘in fresh air & a passing frater or two up there.
April 10th, 2014 at 8:30 pm
I’m glad you’re taking some time for yourself! (very important for the mental health) I loved reading your stories about the Commander and there is still so much love and respect for her in everything you write. And you miss her. Patt VERY MUCH wanted out of the home he transitioned into after the hospital(a terrible roommate); he wasn’t compassionate like your mom and he just wanted to come home to die. Which he did.