I have no one to kitchen dance with here at the moomincabin

Note that I need a female partner (or two or three) for kitchen dancing. I am here with two males. I love ’em but they are not appropriate kitchen dancers!

No “emergency” trips to the hardware were required for cabin opening this year and the GG was scheduled to help Captain Pete with an annual task that requires two people, so yer fav-o-rite blahgger made a solo trip to town for grokkeries, supplies, gasoline, aaaannnndd impatiens. I don’t do tooooo much to remember The Commander but I always pot multi-colored impatiens at the moomincabin on Memorial Day weekend or thereabouts. That’s what The Commander did and it seems to be one thing my Black Thumb doesn’t screw up. So here’s to you Mom!


About the time I finished potting the plants, I realized that the wind had died down and it was WARM out. Just like the predictions said it would be. I walked the beach barefoot for the first time this year. When I got down to Our Northern Correspondent’s end of the beach, a sandhill crane totally freaked out. That crane is in the next photo but s/he isn’t the photo’s focus. I’m sure this crane was protecting a nest and I didn’t try to get any closer.


And then the Uncly Uncle arrived with LUNCH! While the Twinz barbecued our lunch, I threw caution to the winds and launched a kayak for a wimpy little paddle along the shore to Doelle’s. I posted this photo on facebook and a friend cautioned me about the need to wear a wetsuit. I do not own a wetsuit but he is dead right that if you are going to kayak in Gitchee Gumee at this time of year (especially this year), you need a wetsuit. I was very close to the shore. It is shallow there and, unless something very weird happened, it would’ve been an easy albeit cold walk to shore. Again, note that there are no leaves on the deciduous trees here. Pretty late, even for the Yooperland.


Finally, I was sitting down there getting sunburned (yes) and the Twinz of Terror came scrambling down the path with a Bote Engine. For the Putt-Putt Bote. The next three photos show the Twinz scrambling that Putt-Putt Bote down off the bank. They launched it and the motor started up like a charm, unlike last year on our wedding anniversary (snort snort). They took off and became Porterized. I have yet to get there.




2 Responses to “I have no one to kitchen dance with here at the moomincabin”

  1. Pooh Says:

    Not only is there a sandhill crane in the photo, but there’s a salty in the “parking lot”. I don’t see any ice in the bay though, which I was half-expecting to see. What a winter!

  2. Margaret Says:

    My impatiens are doing awful. I think we’re having too much rain and they’re drowning. I love the blue sky and sun I see in your photos. 🙂