Electrofragmothermoglobulators, no. Kimchee, yes.

refrigeratorLook look look at my refrigimatator! Look how empty it is — and clean too although you can’t see that. All of the expired food (not all that much actually) is in ziplock bags in the freezer ready to be dumped into the compost cart Friday morning (hope I remember). No owls or other dead birds are in the freezer (except for some chicken thighs and duck breasts). But no science experiments. No electrofragmothermoglobulators. Or bacon but I’ll definitely remedy that omission. I am bound and determined to return from my upcoming vacation busman’s holiday to a clean, uncluttered refrigerator.

I have made many crash landings on The Planet Ann Arbor after a Busman’s Holiday but the landing that prompted The Big Fling was after my brother’s death in 2005. Mustard anyone? I remember actually sitting on the floor in the old Landfill Chitchen with the refrigerator door open (I think I was cleaning something) and marveling in a horrific way at the number of jars of mustard. Etc. I knew that I wasn’t going to exit the building any time soon but I had visions of a dumpster in the driveway filled with jars and boxes of food (and other stuff). And that’s when I started flinging.

I am nowhere near done flinging yet and I cannot fling other people’s stuff without their permission but I have made slow and steady progress (with a few set-backs!). Today? Four grokkery bags to the Scrap Box. Those bags have been in the Ninja’s trunk for months now. That’s due to my social anxiety, not a lack of will to get rid of things. I mean, I actually have to walk inside the Scrap Box with my bags of stuff and talk to the NICE LADIES in there. And obsess over whether I have anything in my bag(s) that they don’t want. Being meeeeeeeee, I had their wish list (and don’t want list) in hand as I assembled this stuff (months ago). I double-checked it all last weekend and they were all “this is all good stuff” today. Yay! Love those Scrap Box ladies so much.

Love y’all and hope your refrigimitator is as clean and un-cluttered as mine is. For the moment anyway.

One Response to “Electrofragmothermoglobulators, no. Kimchee, yes.”

  1. Sam Says:

    Bacon supplies are important! Teee-heee!