Not quite the Big Mac

suspensionbridgeA quick little North Country Trail hike over at Naomikong Point this morning. Well, quick. It takes at least a half hour to get there and we hiked close to four miles. I love this stretch of the NCT. It parallels the Lake Superior beach for quite a while — past this loverly little suspension bridge, may she stand forever.

We got back to the moomincabin close to noon. There was an “official” NCT hike down at the Niagara Escarpment this afternoon. A little “warm-up” for tomorrow’s Mackinac Bridge Walk. The GG headed down to hike the Niagara Escarpment. I did not. I struggled mightily with this decision. I love the Niagara Escarpment section too. But, you know? It is Labor Day weekend. It is Sunday. We have to blast off for the Planet Ann Arbor again tomorrow. We will be here one more time this season and that will be to close this place.

I ended up staying at the cabin. I hoped to get some de-cluttering work done in the garage. I had some trepidation about this. This summer has not been a good season for de-cluttering. When I was here for two weeks a while back, I got almost *nothing* done. In retrospect, that may have been because I was incubating a monster cold virus and probably didn’t *feel* all that well.

Today? I didn’t get a *lot* done this afternoon but I did make some slow progress. I got into a strange little rhythm of walking back and forth from the cabin to the garage with a few items at a time. Where should this go? Might someone want it? Do *I* want it? I moved some items into the cabin. I collected a couple banker’s boxes of stuff to take to A2. There are a few things I want. There are a few things to be donated. I think I will just put my old high school copy of Moby Dick into the recycle. It is a paperback and it is falling apart. And I didn’t like that book but that’s probably because I tried to read the FULL version and not the abridged version (as the teacher suggested). Sheesh!

What the heck do I do with ancient yearbooks? The Wolverine? My dad didn’t even graduate from the University of Michigan. We have a spotty history of that school in our family and that’s all I will say. Except that I absolutely love living on The Planet Ann Arbor.

At the end of the day, the GG drove the Motor Bote over to the state park bote launch and I (eventually) met him with the Frog Hopper and Bote Trailer. Oh man, can we really be at the end of summer already? Right now it is sunny and warm, so I’m gonna go out on the deck!

Love y’all,

2 Responses to “Not quite the Big Mac”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I can’t believe it’s the end of summer either. I did a few things that I wanted to do–redoing my master bedroom and visiting my friend in Alaska. However, there were about 1,000 other projects that I could have done, and DIDN’T.

  2. Tonya Says:

    I just love that bridge! There is just something about bridges. And paths. I like paths, too.