Oh right, I do have a blahg

And I have a sunflower, or two. Well, I do not actually have my own personal sunflower. The GG planted these and they actually grew this year! Rabbit Proof Fence. (Watch the movie some time. It’s a good one.)


It is the Tuesday after Labor Day and I bet that all the schools are full of excitement, since it’s the first day. The rest of us systems analysts and things are kind of asking something like, “What was I doing last week?” Traffic this morning? Kee-reist! At least the big double-trailer gravel hauler that turned over on the freeway didn’t hamper my commute. Those things are everywhere this year and why the heck are they allowed on the freeway anyway. I hate when I have to merge behind one.

Fun stuff! I needed to clear my head before a meeting this afternoon, so I took a walk. I heard a low-flying jet and stopped to scan the skies for one. Sometimes passenger jets approach Detroit Metro kind of low over Ann Arbor. Finally the “jet” came into view. Except it wasn’t one jet. It was five fighter jets flying in formation around the Ann Arbor airport. No fancy tricks, just flying around. One of the perks of working where I do but not the only one.

One Response to “Oh right, I do have a blahg”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’ve always wanted to plant sunflowers and never have. Our school had just teachers today and students tomorrow, so it was full of STRESS, not sure about the excitement part. Cool to see jets. I’m in the flight plan of what used to be McChord AFB (now JBLM) so I hear LOTS of military planes and jets, but don’t always see them.