No Blue Angels today

grillmeisterIt turned out that yesterday’s fighter jets were indeed the Blue Angels. I figured this out via facebook when a friend over in the Lansing area posted about them flying around over there.

I love watching fighter jets although they always make me ride my edge a bit. Back in the Jurassic Age, when Kincheloe AFB was situated 15 miles or so south of Sault Ste. Siberia, all kinds of jets used to fly over our beach, including low-flying B52s. I will remember forever the days when my dad and my uncle Duke (who were both WWII pilots) would hear a B52 coming up from the south and RUN LIKE HELL out of the cabin and down to the beach to watch it. With Tigger and usually a ragtag bunch of us kids in hot pursuit.

Later on, I think after Kincheloe closed down, a Piedy-type Beach Urchin became a Navy pilot and one day those of us who were on the beach were astounded by the sight of a fighter jet speeding in over the island and right straight across the bay. I was sure he was gonna hit Don & Katie’s cabin but he hopped up over it at the last possible nano-second. At least it seemed like that to me. We knew who it was. I think both of those old coots (dad and Duke) were there then but I can’t totally remember.

Miss those old characters. They would have Coffee Royale in the morning and I would hide my NYT crossword puzzle books from Duke, who would invariably fill in the puzzles in my book and sometimes annotate the answers. If he managed to find my books. I have the NYT xword app on my iPhone these days and I am getting pretty good at those things. Although this particular week, I have not finished either the Tuesday or Wednesday puzz. What is up with that?

Love y’all,

P.S. I need another book to read. After a bit of a hiatus from reading books, I read THREE of them this summer and LOVED each one of them, different as they were. Lemme see… 1Q84, The Snow Child (read it in a few hours, the day I was actually sick enough to take a sick day), and The Goldfinch. Need something new! Fiction. Not too light, not too heavy, I do like to care about the characters.

2 Responses to “No Blue Angels today”

  1. Margaret Says:

    We have the Blue Angels around here in August for Seafair! I read mostly mysteries, but if you are into the more literary, I LOVED The Language of Flowers and The Light Between Oceans.

  2. Pooh Says:

    Have you read “The Outlander” series? The eighth (!!!) book came out earlier this summer. I stumbled across the series two or three years ago, when I bought the first book in Chicago on a Megabus layover. Go to the library first, to see if you like it.