Twelve hour moom…

Back in the Jurassic Age, when I finished up my fall college quarter, I would load up my crappy old Pinto wagon and slither and slide up the I75 SUV Speedway to the dark and cold of the Yoop. It wasn’t all bad. We would ski and hang out at the Alpha Barrroooom and run and jump around in the snow all night. Great big fluffy snowflakes glistening in the holiday lights.

My last 24 hours or so? Mouse arrived home at six last evening. As scheduled. She hadn’t slept the night before but that’s her business, not mine. I fed her eggplant parmesan and noodles with pesto. At about 11 PM, I woke up from my usual evening nap on the couch (hey, I get up at five or six, whaddya want?) and we had a little scuffle about her choice of luggage (not a rolling bag) and whether or not she had printed her boarding pass (she had, and yes, you read that right, boarding pass). It was all my fault. I should shaddup more often. I do try…

This morning. 0-dark-30. I took a truncated walk and then Mouse and I loaded into the Ninja and had a loverly drive over to Metro on the I94 18-wheel Slogway. Punctuated by Froggy complaining loudly about various things that I have blocked, except for the conversation about febreezing him. I am not sure how he got into the Ninja. It’s too bad he didn’t also make it on to the plane because I am now stuck with him in my house. Again. Anyway, Mouse was home for more or less 12 hours.

So. Eight AM. I was in my cube. Head spinning. Oh, not literally. I was not dizzy or anything. Just processing. I did not eat breakfast. My fault for walking instead of eating, I will admit. I had no lunch. My plan had been to meet My Thursday (formerly Monday) Coffee Buddy at Barry’s and buy my usual once-a-week tuna bagel to take in for lunch. I had to cancel coffee today because, well, you don’t want my long explanation about the local freeways and where my work is and where Barry’s is and yada yada yada.

So. A week in San Francisco at your big sis’s apartment to start out your xmas winter holiday break? Wish I could be there too. Or not really. I will slog on here in the Great White North. And yes, I did get food today. After our design team meeting ended at 11 or so this morning, I shot over to Panera and got a nice sandwich/soup U-pick-2 and I even went for the extra 99-cent cookie. Yes. I was hungry and I inhaled it. Even the oversized cookie. And I am okay now but I am sorta feeling like WHOOOOOSH!

And yes, I just wrote a Mouse-leaving kind of post the other day. Fall final exam week at K is almost always the week after Thanksgiving and so the kids come home and go back and come home again. That is, the kids who don’t live a long flight away. Hopefully those kids and parents are happy with their kid *not* coming home for Thanksgiving. But helicopter parents is a post that is in the hopper and maybe someday it’ll get posted. Not today. I’m just chillin’ now.

4 Responses to “Twelve hour moom…”

  1. jane Says:

    I was going to have pesto tonight, but I am a not smart enough to take it out of the freezer ahead of time. so I’m eating spaghetti instead, with lots of parmesan…. pretty yummy!

    anyway, the point of this post is to let Banana know of a fine lunch alternative — Zingerman’s Bakehouse. They have VERY affordable ($4.95) and very yummy soup at lunch. Thursday’s is Cheddar Ale. man it’s good! and Tuesday is Roasted Poblano Corn Chowder. yeah. You can sign up for their daily Bakehouse email that will let you know what kind of soup they have.

  2. Dog Mom Says:

    Oh, man. I can get Zingerman’s breads via Colony’s Quality Meats, but OH a Cheddar Ale Soup?

    *sigh* GB needs a Zingerman’s Deli, a Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods, and a Plum Market!!!

  3. kayak woman Says:

    Actually, our building “receptionist” (that title does not do her justice) arranges for lunch deliveries from various restaurants three times a week. Or, if the restaurant doesn’t deliver, she goes and picks up the food. Zingerman’s Bakehouse is one of the restaurants in the [rather loose] rotation. I’ve had one of the soups there but not the cheddar ale and, yes, it was good.

    Actually, I am pretty parsimonious (I think that’s an appropriate word) about lunch and rarely order. I usually bag it. It saves money but I also don’t like to eat a whole lot for lunch. Most restaurants serve too much for me. The Panera pick-2 lets you get a half sandwich.

    But yes, Zingerman’s Bakehouse does a great job and it is closer to my work than Panera.

  4. Margaret Says:

    I’m glad to read that you did NOT bite your tongue. I’m guilty of that too. I don’t like when my kids get no sleep and let them know about it, in a nice way, of course.