You have failed level 1
Yes, it is the iPhone 6 right up close and personal. No, it is not my iPhone 6. Its owner is playing a game called Two Dots. I downloaded the game Two Dots (onto my iPhone 5S) and promptly failed at the very first level. Anyway, I guess this photo represents the 21st century version of having a beach urchin sitting in your chitchen reading / drawing / writing while her moom cooks dinner.
Power outage this afternoon? Yes, for about an hour. Funny thing… This morning on my not-so-0-skunk-30 walk, I was headed down Duncan and I kept hearing a funny little buzzy noise. It kind of sounded like when the folks kitty corner across the street open and close their remote control garage door. Except it was kind of random. All of a sudden, I realized that it sounded a lot like a buzzing noise I heard once before. The noise faded as I [rather nervously] made my way through the schoolyard but when the power went out, I had to wonder if a transformer had blown or whatever. Not sure what happened but we do have power now and I have enchiladas in the oven.
A good bit of flinging occurred at The Landfill this afternoon. A couple boxes of stuff are going over to DayTwa. A whole bunch of stuff went into the recycle cart. There are books and various other odd items to donate and a few things went rather unceremoniously into the trash amongst a wee bit of giggling. Oh, nothing interesting enough to write about and anyway, it is only partially yer fav-o-rite blahgger’s story. A few items are being Thought About a while longer and one or two items were actually reunited with or adopted by yer fave.
Then a pilgrimage over to the Plum in the rain. My second today but I knew when I made my first pilgrimage this morning that I would be back. We were okay because we had umbrellas. I used my regular rainbow umbrella and my beach urchin used The Commander’s beautiful dragonfly umbrella from MOMA or wherever. That particular umbrella suits that particular beach urchin’s style particularly well so I foisted it off on her. It’s beautiful but we have more than enough umbrellas around here.
And so I guess I have rambled along to a rather abrupt stop. Good night. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite. Love y’all. KW.
September 21st, 2014 at 8:11 pm
Is it lots bigger? I’m still on the fence about a smart phone but my LG cosmos won’t last forever. 🙂 (although it’s doing a great job at the moment and the battery rocks!) I would like to do some flinging too, but instead I’m storing a bunch of the girls’ stuff. Ack.