

Man oh man, what a rough start to Halloween. I knew the Frog Hopper was scheduled for maintenance this morning but I just figgered that the GG would drive it over there, drop it off and walk home. Maybe get breakfast somewhere along the way. Not. “Can you come and pick me up?” Oh, okay, text me when you get there. I was just exiting the second half of the Deep Dark Scary Woods when I got the text. Almost home. 7:00 AM. So I schlepped over there in pitch black and picked him up. I mean, of course I don’t really mind picking him up, it just messed with the zen of my usual morning routine.

I tried to settle back into the zen, even though I wasn’t Home Alone. Cheerios breakfast, chores, methodically getting ready for work (no lunch needed today, thank you Zeus). The GG’s phone rang and all semblances of zen were irretrievably gone for good. 8:00 AM. Subaru. The Frog Hopper was done already. Except that they didn’t really want to fix the driver’s side puddle lights (a recall), at least not without an argument. Anyway, “Can you drive me back over there to pick up the Frog Hopper?” Oh, okay. Of course that totally distracted me from my penultimate mission, which was to snag my bat mardi gras beads and Halloween troll earrings, my own small nod to wearing a costume to work.

Got to work totally costume-less (I didn’t even have Froggy and Green Guy with me) and feeling kind of like a wrung-out dishrag only to have to wait something like 15 MINUTES (!!!) for my laptop to boot up. W-e-l-c-o-m-e screen with some sort of spinning doo-hickey. F-i-n-a-l-l-y, the w-e-l-c-o-m-e screen gave way to my desktop and I was in business. What was the Mother Ship doing? I do not know…


Things began a bit of an upward spiral after that when I was handed a costume and drafted into service as a protester. My costume? T-shirt and protest sign. That one I can do! I randomly grabbed a sign and was pleasantly surprised when I read its message. Indeed!


So now here we are at The Landfill. I am trying not to be grumpy about the fact that I am not whooping it up downtown at the Oscar Tango. Even though we may have had something like seven (count ’em) trick-or-treaters the last couple of years and the weather is absolutely TERRIBLE (no snow though — yet), we are home all lit up monitoring the door. If it wasn’t a Friday, I wouldn’t care but I miss my usual trek downtown. That’s The Comm’s old Electric Jack-o-Lantern on the left. Boy-oh-boy did I have fun figgering out what an Electric Jack-o-Lantern was the fall The Comm lived at FV. “I want my Electric Jack-o-Lantern!” “Whaaaaa?” The Goddess Connie came to my rescue. She knew exactly what and where it was. It’s mine now and it comes in handy during years like this one, when The Mad Scientist doesn’t get his power tools out and carve actual pumpkins. Er, trick-or-treaters? Four so far. That was at 5:30 or something and it is now almost 7:00. No. More. Trick. Or. Treaters. It’s okay, we’re going to subject ourselves to Porterization over at Knight’s in a while. It’s only a wee bit of a walk but it’ll have to do.

I don’t generally like to post photos of folks at work so you’ll have to make do with Skelly there up at the top. There were some fantastic costumes over there today but probably my favorite moment was following a monk (or something, aka the LSCHP) and The Queen Bee Professor McGonagall into a conference room for Halloween lunch. I wish I had a pitcher of that. You had to be there.

Okay. Now we’re up to 10 12 14 22 trick-or-treaters. Four six (?) groups. And it is snowing, just like they said it would. That is all. Except, hmmm, we were giving out tons of candy because we reeeeaaally don’t want it around at xmas, so now we are wondering if we’ll have enough…


5 Responses to “Skelly”

  1. elizabeth carter Says:

    Happy Halloeen, its scary out here too.

  2. Margaret Says:

    I don’t like changes to my routine either, unless I initiate them. I definitely don’t enjoy them dumped on me! I have gotten some trick or treaters; it’s hard to predict how many will come. The weather has improved here and it’s not super cold. However, it is a Friday night and people are busy, there is the high school rivalry football game, etc. When I get tired of it, I’ll just turn out the porch light.

  3. Sam Says:

    Snow????? Not doubting you, but that is creeping me out…and not in a ghoulish way….

  4. Jay Says:

    Similar experience – from many years with single digit visitors to a large number tonight. I thought we might run out, but things have slowed appreciably and it appears to be raining.

  5. l4827 Says:

    We even had The neighborhood black cat trick-or-treating over here last night. Invited him in for a brief time, and then had a bit of trouble getting him out. Later, enjoyed the liquid treats and sparkling company.