My favorite snowplow
Actually it’s probably my second favorite snowplow. My favorite snowplow has two ginormously huge, horizontal blades. It can plow a whole blasted street all at once. If it comes across somebody’s vee-hickle parked on the side of the road, it can lift a blade right up over that vee-hickle and put it back down in front of it. I saw that thing coming along Portage toward me one snowy morning a couple years ago and I scrambled right up on top of the nearest snowbank. We do not have snowplows like that or even the one in the pic on the Planet Ann Arbor. Our snowplows are kind of like regular dumptrucks with a wimpy little blade underneath the front. Or sometimes they just send out a salt truck. I am not really complaining because we do not always have *snow* here! Sometimes we have whole gray, ugly, bitterly cold winters with watery looking suns and no snow ever. This year? Apparently not. Anyway, that snowplow is up in Siberia and it is plowing out the parking lot for the St. Mary’s Procathedral or whatever you call it. UKW and I walked by it last weekend.
I walked out of my office at five today and I swear it was not snowing. By the time I had faaared up the Dogha, parked just outside the building, it had started up bigtime. Two to five inches overnight tonight and I have a lasagne in the oven awaiting Sam (archaeologist, not dog) and her accomplice, aka my hard-working web host guy, who are slithering and sliding their way into town from Hotlanta. Sam is partially an old Yooper just like me and no stranger to ice and snow and they’re in a trusty old 4-wheel-drive truck. But still. Safe driving, you guys, hope to see you soon. And all you Seattle–area blahggers, stay warm and get some Yaktraks!
December 16th, 2008 at 11:23 pm
I have never seen a snowplow like that! (we probably have a fleet of about two) One bad winter, we had to borrow some from Idaho. We are TRYING to stay warm and waiting to see what this supposed winter storm will bring. I predict it will hit north of us(Bellingham/Everett) and possibly Seattle. I doubt that it will reach the south sound. Our bad snow storms seem to come from the south.Have a great dinner; I love lasagne. It’s our Christmas Eve dish.
December 17th, 2008 at 1:37 am
Our office helps plow for the City that has incorporated around us. They are plows we can attach to the front of some of our trucks, with sanders to put on the back. Snow is predicted for tomorrow but the prediction is, “starting tonight or early morning, moving down from Canada, maybe here, maybe there, maybe everywhere, somewhere between 1″ and 6″, depending.” I am not sure if it is easy or difficult being a meteoroligist here. – One of the “Seattle area blagghers”
December 18th, 2008 at 9:36 am
They are snow removal professionals up in Houghton. They had these huge snow-blower trucks, and a row of dump trucks would drive along behind, then pull up to the side catching the snow. As the dump truck filled they would take off to dump the snow in the canal and the next truck would pull up and start catching snow. It was very impressive to watch, although you wouldn’t want to get in their way. 😉
I’m very happy to have snow, and excited to hear about more on the way tonight/tomorrow. (In part this is because I no longer have to shovel the long driveway at my old house.)