Bote Bar
Yay for technical difficulties! Suspect it had to do with a perfect storm of connectivity issues, typing on an ipad, and therefore being lazy about including some html tags. So let’s fix ’em.
Lemme see… Breakfast at Little Boots and then a *gorgeous* little hike down at the Lost Twin Lakes Pathway. Here are the Twinz of Terror checking out the map.
Very greeeeeen near the hiking trail.
A little kayak expotition launches.
Blazing a trail.
Pontoon Bote expotition to the grokkery store.
And last but not least, Cap’n Brody takes the wheel.
There. All better 🐸🐗
June 21st, 2015 at 12:14 am
Looks wonderful! I love being out on the water.
June 21st, 2015 at 10:51 am
Now I get it! vanquished.