Octo Twitter play [snort]
Setting: Moominbeach, five years ago today, KW walking into the Moomincabin from wherever.
Octowoman: Where’s the sharpener?
KW: Where you hung it?
Octowoman: I looked there.
KW [looking “there”]: Um, there, where you hung it.
Oh my… Shades from the past. As if I don’t already have more iPhone apps than I can begin to use (note to KW, DE-CLUTTER!), I downloaded a cute li’l timehop app. I actually *use* the timehop app. Sometimes it makes me happy to see old photoooos and tweets (back when I actually tweeted, nowadays I mainly use The Twitter as a news aggregator). Other times, not so much. Today, it served me up an old tweet from 2010 that just plain cracked me up.
So let’s unpack it a little bit. First, what the *heck* is a “sharpener”? I do not remember. Was it a pencil sharpener? Or a… knife sharpener? Yikes! I *think* it was a pencil sharpener. Or maybe something else entirely because the pencil sharpener at the moomincabin does not “hang” anywhere.
Not to mention that I apparently walked into the cabin from god-knows-where, most likely the beach, given that it was early morning but could’ve been the grokkery store, the Lockview Laundromat, or whatever. My brain was most certainly not thinking about her “sharpener”.
Miss you, you feisty old octo/nona-woman. Your grandchild Mouse is over here tonight cadging food off of us, hogging our laundry facilities, and checking her garden(s). She brought us half a home-baked cherry-thyme pie. You made pies for 86 years (I have you saying that on video somewhere) and cherry was always my favorite. You didn’t put thyme in yours but I know you would approve your granddaughter’s experiment. Pie for breakfast tomorrow? Yes.
July 15th, 2015 at 6:32 pm
Miss her so much. I loved that woman. She is out there somewhere quite proud of her daughter and son-in-law and, most especially, all of her granddaughters, Cherry-thyme pie? Oooooooo.
July 15th, 2015 at 7:11 pm
July 15th, 2015 at 7:27 pm
Afraid to get that app because I already spend too much time in the past mentally. You can have all the cherry pie in the world! (not for me, thanks!) Give me a good blueberry pie or a rhubarb custard. 🙂