Action shots on a Football / Work Weekend

I neglected to take a farmer’s market photooo at 0-skunk-30 this morning, even though there was plenty of eye-candy down there at this [somewhat] late date. Local corn available until Halloween? Okay. I’ll be buying it until then. Fortunately the GG got a photooo. It’s sort of an ugly but I don’t really care. Let’s refer to it as something like KW, Woman In Action!


Last night our recycle bin was pretty much empty. Today? The GG spearheaded an effort to get rid of all of the Apple packaging that has been stored in The Landfill since about, oh, I dunno, 2005, maybe? He did the initial sort and I triaged the paper/cardboard/boxboard stuff into the recycle cart, throwing out a few (very old) boxes that had various forms of foam firmly attached to the paper. I have been wanting to get rid of this stuff for YEARS now, so this was an unexpectedly productive morning. Happy happy happy dance! 💜


The GG found a snake. I am not sure about the species. The neighbors did not want it but I *think* the re-use center did.


We sat in Football Traffic for quite some time trying to get ta-da-dump ta-da-dump ta-da-dump dump dump, which is one of my fav-o-rite places to go on a Saturday morning. We eventually bailed and took a townie-type route around the Football Traffic. Home again via a tricky non-football route and then we walked downtown for lunch at the Grizzly.


Of course, the Grizzly doesn’t care who the heck you root for as long as you buy their [micro-brewed] beer (or cab in my case) and eat a bit of lunch (crab tostada appetizer for me and mac/cheese and hearty coleslaw sides for the GG). That is about all. Love y’all, KW.

One Response to “Action shots on a Football / Work Weekend”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Lunch sounds great, as does the cleansing. Alison did a bunch of that and my garbage cans have been FULL. There have also been many, many donations made. I love the color of your sweatshirt!