Light and dark, exquisitely so

Oi miss moi babies but they’re moiles away. But I hate to make them feel like they are obligated to visit their baggy old moom and I also don’t want to foist myself upon them. Lizard took a mini vacation over here on the turkey day weekend so I didn’t figure we’d meet up with her although I have kind of a hankering to get over to DayTwa some day soon. Mouse has more jobs than time for now. Busy? Yes. I had a kind of a plan though so yesterday, I texted my mouse and asked if/when she was working this weekend. I figured the answer would be something like, “Yes, all the time.” But today turned out to be a day off, so I proferred the most tentative of offers possible, something like, “If you want to do something (aka hike) and/or let us feeeeeeed you, lemme know. No pressure. I know you’re busy.”

Yes we did hike and what a glorious morning for it. After a quick little breakfast of eggs over easy, hash browns, and toast (something like that anyway, I think some duck bacon also made its way on to the menu), we headed out to the Geology Center of floating bog fame. I never get tired of hiking out at the Geology Center! Boring drab time of year here in the Great Lake State? Not with that gorgeously bright sunlight melting off the icy fog. Here we are on the main trail out to the floating bog.


Pitcher plants abound in the floating bog. Here is my best, uh, pitcher of pitcher plants [snort]. Mouse has many that are better.


My yooperland friends are reporting temps in the 50s. An Icy Fog has its grips on those of us in the southern lower and we are barely making it outta the dern 30s. When we got out hiking this morning, there was still a lot of frost around, depending upon the micro-ecosystem (don’t google that!) we were walking through and the geology center encompasses a wide variety of those.


Shortly after I took this pic, everything began to melt big-time and for a while, as we walked through a pine forest, it was literally raining on us with a brilliant sun in the background.

Here is yer fav-o-rite blahgger, lookin’ a lot like Grandroobly (her dad) with some good old MacMu DNA shining through.


This Moss Face is what I was photographing. There are British Soldiers in there. My photo is so-so but Mouse has some really good ones. I do get more of a kick than I deserve to about my blue Keen sandals peeking out at the bottom of the photoooo.


Of course, I *had* to get a photoooo of this cute little mousey and no, this pic did not deface anything important. It’s just a little ink drawing on the sawed off end of a deadfall. Glad I could capture it before the elements take it over.


We drove out of the geology center under a low-hanging albeit brilliant sun in a beautiful blue sky. The loose plan was to meander the back roads home but I think all three of us were kind of thinking about a “beer” and a snack somewhere so, when one of us put an actual voice to that desire, we made a beeline over to Cleary’s Pub in Chelsea.


I dunno how to describe this weather but we had brilliant sunshine all the way back to The Planet Ann Arbor. We took the river route home and shortly after we turned south, we were again enveloped by the icy fog that has hung around all weekend. I am envious of my yooper friends and family for their wonderfully warm temperatures but it’s not really all that bad here and I’m glad they’re enjoying the warmth and lack of snow after at least two winters of being dumped on. People are posting about getting their outdoor chores done and going on motorcycle rides, etc. Love to all of you, but especially to those in my homeland, the beautiful yooperland.

One Response to “Light and dark, exquisitely so”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I HATE the icy fog!! I would rather have cold temps with no fog. I feel oppressed by it, closed in. And driving in fog or ice is my biggest fear.