Toilet races

“Is anybody in there? There are two of us out here!” It was Renee’s voice, loud and clear and friendly as always and she wanted to use the lady’s powder room at work and so did Wilma but there was a MAN in there. He was painting. I heard this from my cube so I scuttled around to queue up behind them. I felt a weeeeee bit sorry for the young male painter, who cowered outside the bathroom door until all three of us emerged. A stranger in a very strange land.

We actually do NOT have a working terlet here at the Landfill tonight and so it was interesting to have the work toilets somewhat compromised too.

Anyway, once in a very blue moon, I actually do go OUT and so I did tonight. Dinner at the Oscar Tango and believe me, whenever we show up on a night besides Friday, our fav-o-rite OT folks wonder what day of the week it is.


Waiting in line in front of The Ark, just south of the Main/Liberty intersection. Seems like folks are a bit overdressed for our unseasonably warm (50 or so) weather.


Downtown on our beautiful little Planet Ann Arbor. Come live with us here!


Someone needs to remember to take their work badge off before they go out to have fun. (And yes, I think it is okay to post this image since there is virtually zero identifying information on it.)


Iris Dement[ed] has been an acquired taste for me. The first time I heard her was at the folk festival in Hill Auditorium and the acoustics were absolutely shattering my eardrums from the get-go and when Iris came out, all I could think of was something like, “what the heck is that caterwauling?” That was years ago and I have heard her on the radio many times now and her style of singing has grown on me, not to mention that she is funny as all get-out and she has basically the same hairstyle as I do, at least she did tonight. I love her and I did not at any time feel like falling asleep at this concert. YouTube Iris Dement Our Town if you dare. I’m too lazy.


And then I came home and provided some nitrogen to the lawn and I will probably do that again before I go to bed and maybe during the night or maybe not. We’ll see.

G’night, KW.

P.S. No one turned into a grease spot tonight.

2 Responses to “Toilet races”

  1. Uncly Uncle Says:

    Good post. You need to install a “like” button!

  2. Margaret Says:

    I have another blog friend who is a big fan of her, so I’m actually familiar with her. I can’t say I’m a huge fan, but her voice is cool. Hoping for quick toilet recovery!