Hide yer kleenex when you get to Machines

The wonderful restaurant in our loverly motel here in St. Ignace does not open until 8:00 AM so we scoped out breakfast joints yesterday afternoon. The truck stop restaurant over by the freeway is fine but I found Bentley’s B-M-L (formerly B-N-L), a diner a bit down the street. It opens at 7:00 AM and so we met the UU there at around 7:30 this morning (V-bilt, Machines, St. If) and had a wonderful breakfast.


From there we drove over to Dick Road, the southern North Country Trail crossing, that is, not the northern crossing. We got there early so we walked into the western trail (toward Betchler Lakes) for 20 minutes, where I got this kind of Mouse-style pic of British Soldiers.


When we got back to the road, all of these people were cat-herding how to spot automotive vee-hickles for a point-to-point hike. There were a bunch of boy scouts there too but [thank you jeebus] they figgered out their own logistics and didn’t need want our “help”. [snort]


This artifact is one of the highlights of this particular trail section. I took a picture of it even though I know that I ALREADY HAVE a picture of it. Another of our friends also took a picture of it and has already made that photo his facebook cover photo 💜


This is one of the most beautiful bridges I’ve ever seen and those are our NCT fearless leaders crossing it.


After the group hike, we met at our fearless leaders’ house for an afternoon potluck. I was just about done done done for the day but the Twinz of Terror dragged me out for yet another hour of hiking the NCT on the way back to St. Ignace. The Castle Rock section, and here are the Twinz at our turn-around point. Like, at 3:57 PM, I shouted out, “We are turning around in three minutes!” I am sorry but I wanted to be out of the woods more than 15 minutes before it got dark today.


You would think that we would be totally DONE with hiking after all of that but then we got back to the Driftwood and we decided to walk down to the Village Inn for dinner… … … And so we did… … … And when we got there… … … It was closed to the public for a private party… … … So we walked all the way back up the street and ate at the Driftwood. Which is fine. I actually wanted to eat there originally but… But I gotta go because I am being facebook messaged and I think somebody wants me to post photos on the HSS NCT facebook page 🐸. Love you all! Hope the Blue Toilet is back in its place when we get home tomorrow.

4 Responses to “Hide yer kleenex when you get to Machines”

  1. Margaret Says:

    LOTS of hiking! I needed to get more exercise today, but the weather was frightful. 🙁

  2. Sam Says:

    Toilet hopes…pretty basic there, KW. And totally understandable!

  3. Pooh Says:

    We ate breakfast at Java Joe’s in St. Ignace with Jay and Carl when they graciously did car-spotting for our MUP tour. If you happened to be wearing your tie-dye T, you’d fit right in with the décor and Joe himself. It’s not right downtown, but on the road heading North by the Holiday Inn.

  4. Jay Says:

    I was going to post what Pooh posted. It was excellent.