Today’s Tools
Lemme see… bathroom cleaner, cynthia says, dryer, electrical cord, Excel, fabric scraps, Fetch, graph paper, iron, laundry basket, leaf blower, metallic thread, needle, pen, pins, plastic sheet, powerbook, Powerpoint, rake, scissors, sewing machine, sponge, thread, washing machine, wave, webXact, Word. Can y’all guess what I accomplished?
And, frankly it ain’t much fun to be here this evening with all the jumping up and down and hopping around that’s going on.
Grok Grok. Don’ git th’ wrong idea. I am NOT th’ one doin’ the jumpin’ ‘n’ hoppin’ It’s th’ ol’ growler ‘n’ ‘es jumpin’ around ‘cuz th’ Nuts & Aminals game is goin’ on. Least that’s wha’ one o’ th’ ol bags frien’s calls it. Prob’ly better not say which frien’ Grok grok.
November 19th, 2006 at 6:32 pm
homework interspersed with cleaning and wedding shower gift-making.
November 19th, 2006 at 6:33 pm
homework interspersed with cleaning and wedding shower gift-making.
and froggy and/or dad doing something irritating.
November 19th, 2006 at 7:14 pm
I was actually trying to make a xmas ornament for the shower. But it didn’t turn out like I wanted it to, so I am back to the drawing board.