32,000 logins in the last two days and blocked for suspicious activity, hooray!


Maybe that’s why the Cfam cabin internet is so doggamn slow so often. Maybe the 14-year-old G4 Powerbook Pro laptop has been hacked? The GG was thinking it was *my* original laptop but it was actually the laptop that we bought Liz to take to study abroad in Spain. If you embiggen, you might be able to see the “Double Trouble” sticker. That “Do not close” sign is on there for a reason. Please please please please please pretty please with sugar on top, do not close this laptop. Ever. Not without calling the GG first. Please.

I don’t have much more to say tonight but here is ‘hicken and his new peacock friend. I won’t say how many text messages it took for this peacock to come home from a top shelf at Downtown Home and Garden but he is here now.


US23 and the I75 SUV Speedway looked totally hosed today so we took the Lansing route. And so we got here to the cabin and I returned from a walk to the point and back and there was a dern rock star here.


Daisy and Chloe Belle are looking out at their mom and dad.


High summer with the Lyme Lounge in front of the Cfam Cabin. Good times.


One Response to “32,000 logins in the last two days and blocked for suspicious activity, hooray!”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Do not close it? Why not?