Potatoes wear jackets and ears of corn wear clothes

And so it was a pontoon bote kind of day. Except for this loverly early morning shot I got on my walk. As I said on facebook where I posted it this morning, my posting of this pic is to be in no way interpreted as a polly-tickal statement. It just cracked me up.


Later on here are the fishertwins. I thought maybe the osprey and loon would get all the fish but the fishertwinz caught four and landed three. And released those three. I was kind of uncomfortable with how long it takes to remove fishhooks but I managed to look the other way for the most part.


Fortunately they were not fishing naked.


Going to the grokkery store by bote.


And the tiki bar and we’ll talk about the “transgender” bathroom some other time 🐸



And then a little river ride partway up the Muskegon.


Across the lake and look at that sun!


And here are the fishertwinz in their ice cream cart.


And so goodnight!


One Response to “Potatoes wear jackets and ears of corn wear clothes”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Looks like lots of fun! I love the signs you shared. Your photos are beautiful too.