Slave Driver

Apparently my weak little daily sweeping / vacuuming efforts to clean this place up were not enough. The GG mobilized the beach urchins this morning. He engineered a massive cabin cleaning prodject today. All floor surfaces (except for the back bedroom that C*Q*L and I cleaned last summer), windows and I dunno what else were cleaned. So, the GG decreed, “EVERYTHING OUT ON THE DECK!” At that point, I schlepped up to the park store for a few items. When I returned, this was what I encountered.


And this was going on inside. It’s been a while since that table (which belonged to my grandmother and I do not really want it and neither did The Comm) has been moved out and back in so we could clean thoroughly under it. It was time.


And then there was this, where my Mouse emulates her grandmother by going outside the back upshares window to sweep pine needles off the overhang and wash the upshares window.


I want to talk about the dead squirrel the GG found as he was going to bed last night but I am kinda done. This place feels very clean today. I am grateful for all the help.

2 Responses to “Slave Driver”

  1. Sam Says:

    May I make an appointment with your crew, plz?

  2. Margaret Says:

    I need to do a deep cleaning. It’s been a LONG time!!