If you are driving to Wawa tonight, you may encounter some rain

boteoutI have been to Wawa many times in my life but not recently. I think the last time I encountered Wawa, the GG and I were traveling around Lake Superior and by the time we got to Wawa, we had an iffy fuel pump (or water pump?) in whatever Ford Fiesta we were traveling in. We could not get the car fixed in Wawa, so we kinda white-knuckled it down to Sault Ste. Marie. We made it there fine but then Mr. Customs Man decided he needed to search our car. We were young and looking a bit like hippies and I was already freaked out about the car issue. As it turned out, the customs guys found the GG’s federal government badge pretty darn quick and the search ended abruptly. And then my dad pointed us to a repair shop and lent his Buick Skylark to the GG so he could head south while the Fiesta got fixed.

I do NOT want to leave this place tomorrow but leave, I must. This has been just about the best Labor Day weekend in my memory. We have had offshore breezes all weekend, which means that the water is calm at the beach and it is hotter than Hades on the beach in the afternoon. I remember a Labor Day back in the day when just about everyone in our little beach community was on the beach and there were SNOWFLAKES in the air. Guess what. Us kids were SWIMMING! At some point that day we packed up and headed into town and I set up my bedroom for the next school year.

I swam twice today, if you want to call it swimming. I was hot so I took a dip. C*Q*L and her triplet siblings will be heading back to school tomorrow. The triplets will be high school seniors this year and C*Q*L will be in third grade. She is over here with us on the deck tonight and she and the GG were playing around with, well, I shouldn’t probably tell you what…

I DO have to hit the road tomorrow and so I will see you on the other side.

One Response to “If you are driving to Wawa tonight, you may encounter some rain”

  1. Margaret Says:

    My Labor Day weekend was uneventful, although I did go out to a movie and dinner with Henry Saturday, and then did a Happy Hour with Alison yesterday. Nothing major, but it was still GREAT. And Ashley texted me from Senegal which was nice too. 🙂