On the 7th day of xmas…

…I read a book…

Honestly, this was just about the best xmas I’ve had in a while. I’m counting the seven days since last Wednesday. Lemme see… I worked last Wednesday but then we had dinner out with friends. Thursday and Friday, dinner out with friends. Saturday, cFam xmas party. I did not have to cook or muck around with dishes for FOUR DAYS IN A ROW! Not that I mind cooking and doing dishes at all. I actually enjoy it but it was nice to have a break. Sunday was lunch at the Griz with A2-based Fin relations and then a bit of hanging out at the Landfill with my kids’ wonderful young second cousins during a snowstorm.

Christmas day? Pretty much perfect! I try hard to strike a balance with gifts. Nobody needs anything and I don’t like to load people up with junky trinkets but I also like to have a few small packages for people to open. Small being the operative word here. Mouse said something like, “I’m glad I don’t have to schlep a few laundry baskets full of Stuff home.” Indeed. We were plagued with Snow Squalls during the afternoon and evening but Liz made it back to a party in the downtown Detroit area (which is also her home) without event.

I was alone today and didn’t have to work. Yaaay! I started on the Outlander book series. I had been reading The Power (I have mixed feelings but I am nowhere near done) but I interrupted that book to read Outlander. I am greatly enjoying it! Is it great literature? Probably not but I don’t think I care. Okay. But. One of the things that bothered me was how the time traveling protagonist took over an earlier (18th century) “doctor’s” office. She allowed a couple of young “maids” to come in and dust everything in there and then, well, she threw out a lot of stuff. Well, I guess it’s okay that she threw out the jar of old dried-up mouse ears.

In my role at my work, I often have to do what I call archaeological digs. Why the heck did we do this and how does it relate to what we’re doing now? So I look back through old documents to try to figger it out. I am only going back to 2005, mind you. I get reeeaaaally annoyed when somebody deletes documents for some unknown reason and we are unable to restore them. Grrrrrrrr.

But I was home alone today and I read a book off and on all day and we’ll see what happens in Outlander. I guess there’s a TV series or movies too. We need another of those…

I wonder where the snowplows are. They don’t seem to be anywhere near here. I will have to telecommute tomorrow if they do not come through. If they do come through, I’ll have to shovel the cement-snow at the bottom of the driveway.

And… there’s the plow!

2 Responses to “On the 7th day of xmas…”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Everyone recommends that series, but I’m not sure I want to get started on it. The books are LONG. Glad you had a wonderful Xmas and that got your snowplow. I’ve seen a couple around here lately too. 😉

  2. Pooh Says:

    I enjoyed the Outlander series, but got to book 7. I thought it was the last one, but realized either I’d read it too fast, or there were a lot of untied loose ends! Of course it wasn’t the last one… There’s a spin-off series, and the non-fiction, The Outlandish Companion, that I haven’t read. Maybe it’s time to re-read the series.