Not the most exciting photo but that’s about what it looked like out my front window this afternoon. A little more snow today (I took this a couple weeks ago).
Was it 3 or -3 when I checked the weather this morning? I can’t remember. It was probably 3 here. By the time I got to work a few hours later, the Ninja proclaimed -11. I didn’t really feel it. I was layered to the nines. Tights, leggings, long wool skirt. Turtleneck sweater, polartech vest, Smartwool jacket. Smartwool balaclava and bomber hat. Two pairs of little knit glubs. Smartwool socks and my new Sorel boots that I actually think will fit me well enough that I asked for (and received) a second pair from “Santa”. If I have learned anything in my life, when you are operating with a minimalist kind of wardrobe, if you reeeeealllly reeeeally reeealllly like something, buy another one (or two) right away, before they stop carrying them!
If I can do a little commercial here, my Smartwool jacket just plain ROCKS! It is lighter than a feather and uber-warm. Yes, it’s $220. It is WORTH IT! I would buy a second one of these but I bet that Smartwool will have them around for a while and maybe even expand that line of clothing.
Where the heck was I? The plow came by last night so I had some “cement” to shovel out of the bottom of the driveway this morning. I faaaared up the Ninja and let it egregiously idle while I shoveled. Ano and his human came by on their way to the woods and I eventually did a woods walk but that was about it after the shoveling. And then Pie For Breakfast! Cranberry from Sister Pie. Google it.
So to work. The streets were not bad but I am always thinking about Black Ice so I did a Slow Drive. That was okay until I got into my business park. Can I just say Squiggly Roads and ICE (ICE ICE). People ALWAYS end up in the ditch (or even sometimes one of the ponds!). I was going about 18 mph into there today (speed limit is 25). I had a tailgater. And then somebody was in the ditch and the tailgater backed off. Jeebus. I’ve been working down there for 10 years. S-L-O-W D-O-W-N when it snows (or turtles are crossing the road).
NOBODY on my team except me was at work this morning and nobody was online. Until. Dun dun dun dun… My phone rang. The Benevolent Despot was in the parking lot without his badge, could I let him in? Well, duh. He couldn’t get into his office either so after a morning with me and the CRD online with us in a conference room working on our new methodology, he went home to work. And… So did I. What the heck?
December 29th, 2017 at 2:13 pm
That’s way too cold for me! I’m a fragile flower who is used to a more temperate climate. LOL