In which the xmas lights get a 1-day stay of execution
We have one sniggly little string of xmas lights across the front of our humble little home here on The Planet Ann Arbor. When the xmas season starts, we plug them in. When it endsendsendsends… we unplug them. When does the xmas season end?
In terms of our sniggly little string of lights, it ends when I notice at some point that they are still on and unplug them. I was planning to unplug them this morning, March 1st. But then… The weather forecasts were all over the map about what kind of precipitation would be where when. It was warm and pleasantly raining when I walked this morning but I had a premonition that things were going to go downhill. I declared my own personal snow emergency and drove the Frog Hopper to work. It has AWD. The Ninja has performance taaaaars. Wonderful on dry pavement.
The rain didn’t start turning to snow until just a bit after noon but a lot of people had bailed to go home and telecommute by then. I lasted until the GG texted me that I might be better off telecommuting than driving home later. If mister “Hey, it’s snowing so let’s go out and drive in it, it’ll be fun!!!” suggests that I come home, I take it seriously and I did bail at around 1 PM. My drive was a slog but I only experienced one slippery spot and I had anticipated that so I was not out of control at the time. Apparently things got precipitously worse later and many cars are in ditches now. Slow down folks. Even 5 miles under (more on the freeway) would have kept you safe today. Just slow down.
I got home safely and sat on the Green Couch all afternoon, working from home, watching big flakes of snow come down and hearing clumps of snow fall on the roof.
This snow is supposed to quit in the middle of the night and melt tomorrow and I will turn off the xmas lights tomorrow morning. If I remember…
March 1st, 2018 at 9:06 pm
Brrr! Spring can’t come fast enough for me. Today there was blue sky, sun and some rain, a little bit of everything. But at least, no snow. Glad you came home, and stayed safe!
March 2nd, 2018 at 6:26 pm
You might have more snow than us!