In which…
I seem to be popular with the 30-something guys and their dogz who inhabit our neighborhood.
I talk to Ano’s dad frequently but today, I was walking over to the HOMES brewery to meet up with Mouse and npJane for lunch and there was a guy putting his dog into a car and he said something like, “Getting a late start today?” I was discombobulated because I didn’t exactly recognize the young man or his dog. But he was very friendly and I figgered he recognized me as an early morning walker and I bet I have encountered him and his dog before. Me: Well, I went to the farmers market early this morning and now I’m walking over to HOMES to meet my cousin and my daughter for lunch.
The young man talked about how much he liked HOMES. I was hoofing it over there to meet Mouse and npJane. We sat OUTSIDE! I don’t think the temperatures got out of the low 30s today but the sun was strong and we sat outside by the faaaar and we were comfortable. For a while, other people ate outside too. It felt like we had started a trend.
We had so much fun and it was warmer sitting on the south side of HOMES today than it sometimes is sitting in the hollow in front of the Old Cabin in August.
March 10th, 2018 at 9:59 pm
People are more aware of us than we sometimes are of them. It’s a little creepy. That fire looks nice!
March 11th, 2018 at 6:07 am
I have a soft spot for pleasant micro-environments; your faaaar-seats sound outstanding….