He has a Grease Rock?
Yes, the GG has a Grease Rock somewhere out in the back yard. How do I know this? Because I left a pan with some olive oil (from sauteing chicken breasts) to chill on my loverly quartz countertop at the back of the chitchen, out of the way until I had time to pour the cooled off grease into the garbage. Of course I forgot about it but then the GG found it. He was all excited about dumping it on his Grease Rock, wherever that is. Mouse seemed to know about it but I don’t.
A morning of stress. I FORCED myself to go out to the Jackson Road Meijer to buy a bunch of stuff to take up to the moomincabin next weekend. Cleaning supplies, toiletries, and non-perishable food items for the summer. It’s not like I couldn’t have waited to purchase these items until we got up there. The yooperland does have comprehensive stores including a *Meijer* up in Sault Ste. Siberia and I bet I will even go to that Meijer while I’m up there. But I would rather spend as much of my time in the yooperland as possible at the *cabin*, not shopping. Better to do it down here and schlep it all up. It seems we will be schlepping up there in two vee-hickles and the Lyme Lounge so it isn’t like we won’t have enough room for all of it.
A series of text messages in various threads contributed to the stress, not to mention the road construction that suddenly began on the North Maple Speedway today. All I really wanted to do this morning was take a ride out into the luxuriantly green countryside and we did that. While we were out, the out-of-control text messages got pulled back into focus and I made another grokkery list of things to get at the Plum on the way home.
When I finally got home it was around noon and as I sorted out several hundred dollars (yes really) worth of groceries for various places and events, I began the zen of making enchiladas. I made chicken enchiladas and then made the sauce and grated the cheese for a veggie version that Lizard Breath dreamed up and assembled when she got here. By the time our guests (a cute 3-month old gosling and his parents) arrived, I was pretty well chilled out.
All I will say is that I hope the gosling reacts to his experience with the GG by SLEEPING rather than getting totally keyed up.
And I’ll have to figure out where the Grease Rock is.
May 20th, 2018 at 10:20 pm
A grease rock, interesting! Hope you are not feeling as stressed. xoxo
May 21st, 2018 at 6:21 pm
I am familiar with what we call cow rocks, but grease rocks I do not know. AKA: I visit ababsurdo among other things to become educated about things I do not know. Like grease rocks.