In which Garbage Woman falls down on the job
Actually it isn’t a garbage failure yet but it will become one in a few days or a week or whatever. I hauled some clementines up to the moomincabin and I put them in the basket on the shelf behind the kitchen sink, next to the mirror. And then… This morning I forgot to pack them up to take home. I realized this at least a hundred miles down the I75 SUV Speedway. Certainly there was no going back. The GG thinks they will dry out. I hope they do. I have visions of them rotting and kind of melting all over the basket and making a mess and a bad smell. In any case, there is a strong likelihood that it will fall to meeeeeeee to clean up whatever mess the clementines make. But if somebody else gets to do it, I am sorry. I am human. I err🐽
All in all, we had hardly any leftover food to haul back to The Planet. The Grinch helped us eat hanger steaks, etc., on Friday night. npJane was a weeeeee bit under the weather, maybe all the terlet talk had an effect but I think it was a virus. She recovered nicely on Saturday (despite continuing terlet talk) and helped us with a grilled chicken. Last night, there was just the two of us and we cobbled together some leftovers following an hour or so of porterization on Bill’s Birch Point Beach Bank Bench as the sun went over the yardarm. I told the GG to snag whatever food he wanted to take in the Lyme Lounge and I ended up with very little to schlep home today. What I do have will help make a couple of nice mini-lunches. This makes me happy. I hate to throw food out but I also hate dealing with dribs and drabs of things at the end of a long drive.
Driving the southbound I75 SUV Speedway on Memorial Day is not for the faint of heart. It could have been worse but I did have a couple of slowdowns. Of course I checked ahead and opted for the Cheese Route to skip 30-40 miles of narrow freeway (only two lanes each way, not enough for holiday weekend warrior volumes of traffic) so I think I missed the worst of it. Whatever did we do before the iPhone and the Google maps app?
So here I am back on the Planet Ann Arbor, poised to head over to Cubelandia tomorrow. It is in the 90s here and I am sitting in the back yard with a cold wet washcloth draped around the back of my neck. It is highly likely that *inside* is cooler at this point since the place was largely closed up all weekend. I wanna be outside *anyway*, where I can hear the birds and squirrels and insects and whatever.
Cheers, Garbage Woman
May 29th, 2018 at 11:33 pm
I hate the dribs and drabs too. I would rather have someone eat them up. I did like to take more substantial left overs for lunch when I worked. I also love the google app to help me with traffic. I used to ignore it, but now I realize that it knows so much more than I do! Hope the clementines shrivel up and mummify. 🙂