Duplicate data setting
Yes, our mouse daughter cooked dinner for us tonight. She baked seasoned chicken thighs and made a wonderful delicata squash salad. And there is some apple pie that she left with us. I had some tonight and will probably do the typical pie-for-breakfast thing that the FinFam clan often does.
I don’t usually need help with anything much. I am a pretty dern strong person who kinda loves to run her own life. Today I was happy to have someone help me/us out for a bit and my Mouse rose to the occasion. I probably could have managed it all myself in the end but it was so nice to be able to randomly surf my laptop while someone else figured out dinner. And it was so nice to have my Mouse in my house. <3
I spent most of my time today telecommuting from Livonia, picking away at making “pictures” of difficult functionality with FZ and answering error message questions from K-shun, one of our top-notch developers. And then driving home from Livonia to the Planet Ann Arbor, ugly traffic jam on M14. Jeebus.
G’night, KW
November 2nd, 2018 at 11:09 pm
I love when either one of my girls cooks for me! It’s great to have adult children who can help out, whether they’re actually needed or not. 🙂