24-hour time in a MAGA KAG world
I think it’s about time to do a Book Blahg. The other day somebody was asking me if I was reading anything good but after the wandering conversations that had taken place that evening, about all my brain could pull out was something like b-b-b-b-b. Ahem, not that I am, ahem, the best person to go to for, ahem, book recommendations… But I do read and here is what I’ve been reading.
First, two “normal” books. I am oblivious to most TV series (that’s plural) but somehow, well, “somehow” being via a couple of PACNW blahggy friends, “Big Little Lies” got onto my radar screen. I have not watched any of the series but I did read the book. I was a little leery because it sounded kind of soap opera-y* but I found that I liked the characters a lot and the author told a good story without getting overly dramatic, etc. I LOVED the setting, which was a beach community in Australia. I’m told the TV series is set in Monterrey? Why? I know how far away Australia is but we have a lot of ocean beach towns in the USA. Surely they could pretend one of those was in Australia? Nothing against California, just…
When I finished that, I discovered that “What Alice Forgot” by the same author was on my Goodreads to-read list, so I devoured that. I enjoyed it a lot but I think I liked Big Little Lies better. I have to say, my brain was working overtime trying to figure out how the amnesia thing worked.
Before those books and after that awful snake book, I read “The Chain”. This was a scary book about “chain kidnapping”. It would be a spoiler to say anything more about that but I looooved it. Much better put together than the snake book and great characters.
I am now in the middle of a very weird book titled “Bunny”. At first it seemed almost too weird even for my weird tastes, so much so that I put it down for a couple days. Finally I forced myself to pick it up again and now I am having *trouble* putting it down. I don’t think it would be everyone’s cuppa. Goodreads reviews are variations on “Bonkers” and “WTF did I just read?” with various references to Stephen King thrown in for good measure. This book has turned out to be totally up my alley and filled my hankering for a weird book like the snake book did not.
When I do finish it, I will have read 51 books on my 52 book Goodreads challenge.
*Don’t get me wrong. Back in the day I was a HUGE fan of Dallas and other boob tube shows of that genre. We even had a Fisher Price cowboy hat person that beginning talker Lizard Breath named “JR”.
July 23rd, 2019 at 1:33 am
I ALSO read “What Alice Forgot” after “Big Little Lies” and I agree 100% with you! I liked it, and the person who recommended it to me is someone I greatly admire and respect, but I just did not enjoy it as much as BLLs. The TV series was really good and well acted, but differed from the book in so many silly little ways. (Not enough to ruin it by far). And the 2nd season is excellent with Meryl Streep. Oh, she is something. Else. (Her character reminds me somewhat of Nurse Ratched in “One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest”).
July 23rd, 2019 at 10:52 am
We read a very quirky book for Book Club once called “The Couch.” I thought it was amazing but there were only two of us who loved it, and everyone else said, “WTF did we just read?” 🙂 Great job on your book challenge. I don’t keep track of how many books I read. Right now I’m reading “The Great Believers” for Book Club and love it, although it’s depressing at times. It revolves around the AIDS epidemic of the ’80s and some of the same characters in modern day. For fun, I’m reading “The Rosie Result” which is the third book in a series. The first was “The Rosie Project.” I laughed out loud many times.