Missing my Tent Monsters
So, the last couple of Tent Monsters left this morning and I am missing them. Fortunately, the GG seemed to expect that I might be a bit verklempt about this because as soon as they blew their Master Salute, he was all let’s go heckle the Porters. He meant our friends of porterization who live on the Planet Ann Arbor but have a cabin a mile or so down the beach (and a couple of small points) from us.
I asked, “You mean by bote?” “Yes!” So off we went. Even though it was almost noon we knew they would not likely be “out of bed” yet. So we blew our air horn outside their cabin. The GG warned me to put my fingers in my ears. The air horn is LOUD! But it did wake our friends up. And so once they were presentable for going out in a 14-foot bote, we motored down to the Brimley State Park. I had to sit next to the gas tank for most of the trip 🐽
We were amazed at how many huge McMansions have been built along that section of beach. Most of those folks do not have very large lots so it seems like these gargantuan homes might fill most of the lot. How many trees were cut to put these mansions in? I do not know. I can’t tell you how fortunate I feel to have a small rustic cabin on a decent-sized lot. We are a decent distance from our neighbors (who are also beloved family members) and we have plenty of trees around. Although my dad did cut down some small trees in front of this place when we built it way back when. He wanted to be able to look out at the water.
On the way back from Porterization North, the wind kicked up a bit. There were a few whitecaps and I kind of panicked when the GG insisted on driving our little bote over to the island before heading to shore and we encountered some larger waves than I was happy with. He had in his head a cute little pic-a-nic on the way home but I am here to tell you that eating a cold slice of pizza in a bouncing bote is not my idea of a cute little pic-a-nic.
But we got home safely and for the most part it was fun fun fun!
August 11th, 2019 at 10:12 pm
Very we enjoyed the heck out of the heckle. it was a very pleasant tour indeed! Couldn’t ask for better weather or friends. Hope the pizza had pepperonis.
August 12th, 2019 at 10:55 am
It seems like so many people are into HUGE fancy houses without any land around them. I like being outside, not in, so that wouldn’t work for me!
August 13th, 2019 at 7:47 pm
Yeah! Save the cold pizza picnics for the daughters!!