Binders full of women ancestors
Where is Mitt Romney when you need him?
A birthday (in a few days) beach urchin and I walked over to HOMES Brewery for lunch with our cuz npJane. On the way home we visited our mouse at plum. We bought some coffee (Roos Roast Badass Woman) there for the GG. I had bought coffee for him earlier in the day but I didn’t notice that it was BEANS. We don’t have a grinder right now. So. Lizard and I bought another package of Badass Woman and *ground* it in the store. So now the GG has ground coffee and Lizard is taking the whole bean coffee home because she has a grinder. Actually there is some ground coffee here at the Landfill but I didn’t notice it. It isn’t Badass Woman coffee but he now has some of that.
I won’t say how this conversation got started but waaaaay back in the day when I was a skinny little music student, one of my uniforms was blue-jean overalls. Even though I did not EVER get along with marijuana, I wore a roach clip on my overalls. It clamped a loon feather. I thought I was pretty “cool” back in those days. I’m not sure why. I knew quite a few folks who smoked pot in those days and I loved them. Not me? Not only did it make me paranoid, I was very much focused on playing my flute in those days.
Today, Liz and I spent a loverly afternoon basking in warm sunlight in the Landfill backyard and then we decamped inside where Lizard Breath cozied up the back room by turning on some lights and then found a BINDER full of ancient letters from my family and notes from folks who lived on our beach before we owned it. It was stuff I hadn’t encountered before and I need to find some time to look through this binder. Graves on Round Island? No reason to disbelieve but not a story I’m familiar with.
October 21st, 2019 at 5:03 pm
I feel the same way about pot–never was a fan and have no interest in it. I would be fascinated by those letters! They could be full of family history and day to day happenings. (I find that sort of thing interesting)