Soggy football Saturday
It was not soggy early this morning. It was clear, cold, and beautiful and I was walking in the dark because the sun didn’t rise until almost 8 AM today and… All of a sudden I saw a bright fingernail up in the eastern sky. The waning crescent moon, rising. It was absolutely gorgeous but I didn’t bother trying to get a picture of it with my iPhone so you get this pic of “public art” utility box birdies instead.
We had lunch at the Griz, which was slammed because of the Notre Dame game. Sure am glad I won’t be at that game tonight because it will be a soggy one. The GG was talking about how wonderful it is to walk the North Country Trail in the rain. Well, that may have its charms in some ways but I remember the time Roger and I were ahead of everyone and we were walking along the beach in the rain and we were okay… Until… We got to the shallows and had to W-A-I-T F-O-R-E-V-E-R for everyone else including the GG (who was probably jawboning away like crazy). It was mid-October and I was wet (despite an umbrella) and freeeeeezing by the time everyone caught up with us. We decamped to the Silver Creek Saloon to warm up and that was fine until the power went out.
Anyway, today we took the bus home and for whatever reason, I could not figure out what the schedule was for the 31. I THINK it has changed somewhat. Okay! Nice young guy hanging out at the bus station to the rescue! “It comes in 20 minutes.” That was in agreement with what my phone app proclaimed so initially it felt “okay” to talk to him a bit. He was talking about growing up on the Planet Ann Arbor and being here in between job interviews in Oregon and New York. Or something. Then he started talking about how his mother had a whole bunch of property in Somalia and how he had *money* in an account there and he thought his cousins were stealing it…
Okay, that set off a bunch of big red alarms in my head and it was all I could do to keep from NUDGING the GG (who can sometimes be a bit, um, overly friendly) to indicate my discomfort with continuing any kind of relationship with this person, no matter how transient. I guess I was kinda waiting for him to hit me up with a Somali version of that Nigerian scheme. To my GREAT RELIEF, he did NOT get on the 31, even though he seemed to know when it would arrive. Thank you Zeus! I did NOT want him to know where we live. And I have to note that the first thing the GG said as we took seats on the bus was that something about the kid didn’t add up. Thank you!
If I had been alone waiting at the bus station, there would have been a LOT less conversation. I am not an unfriendly person but when you are a woman traveling solo you attract a different kind of attention than if you are with a male person or, really, *any* other person. I [usually] get a different kind of unwanted attention than I did when I was young, thin, and blonde but I still often get unwanted attention. I think this is something that many males do not “get” about the experience of being a woman.
Whatever. All is well and it has been raining cats and dogs ever since the moment we walked into the driveway. Kickoff is at 7:30 PM.
October 26th, 2019 at 10:57 pm
I feel so much more relaxed being out with a girlfriend (or guy friend) than I do by myself for the same reasons. It seems like I’m more of a target as a single middle aged woman. 🙁