Additional heirlooms
These stepped jiggers were a staple in our little branch of the finFam. They were around when I was a kid and when I was a young adult, The Comm always managed to conjure one up to gift to her children. I would bet that DogMomster has one even now but whatever.
So, after The Comm died, she left two of these things. One that she kept at “Grandma’s Other House, the Real House, Where She Lives Some of the Days” (aka The Dillon house as opposed to the summer moomincabin). The other she kept at the moomincabin. I absconded with the one from the Dillon house.
The moomincabin jigger spends the summer at the moomincabin but I bring it back to The Planet Ann Arbor when we close the place down for the winter so it can over-winter here in the Landfill Chitchen.
As it turns out, although these are not valuable in terms of huge amounts of dollars, they are now very rare. They sell for around $100-$120. I think The Comm used to get them at Cutler’s, a fancy chitchen store in Petoskey but I didn’t see them there the last time we hit up Petoskey. Since they are from Denmark, I also wonder if my Danish Detroit grandmother Bolette had something to do with this.
But I dunno about that and I never will. Bolette was my step-grandmother and she always let me help her wash the dishes and when she asked me questions about school, she LISTENED to the answer. She had been a teacher and never had children of her own but she acquired some when she married my grandfather. I’m not sure those adult children were always fun to get along with but I know that I was so when we visited her house on Mark Twain, we did the dishes together. I knew what grandmothers were all about because I had Grandma Margaret in Sault Ste. Siberia and I loved this Detroit grandma even though I called her Bolette instead of Grandma.
And then, a beach urchin came across a new bunch of search terms and I have found a couple of stepped jiggers. They are not very expensive so I’m going for it when I can find them.
November 19th, 2019 at 9:17 pm
No matter how much they’re worth, family heirlooms are worth their weight in stories. I call them “memory keepers.”