Gumbo chef
It is xmas eve eve and here is our resident Gumbo Chef using one of the Houghton Lake Nesco ovens from I dunno when, maybe the 1950s, to cook gumbo. He’s basing his gumbo on a Bear Creek mix so it is not from scratch but it’s pretty dern good.
We porterized ourselves for tonight’s little adventure. Other than that, whew! I jumped around a lot this morning. Three (count ’em) grokkery stores ending with the Plum and I left a few items off my Plum list for tomorrow morning because I know I’ll be back there again. Then I wrapped a bunch of presents and prepared a bunch of xmas food ahead of time.
Yesterday the GG got into a big gift-wrapping mode. He asked, “Do you want me to wrap some presents?” No. “Don’t you have some gifts for the girls?” Yes. Um…. Okay… Yes, you can wrap all these gifts. For so many many years I wrapped umpteen bazillion gifts for the beach urchins and others. I was so happy to not have to use a vacation day to wrap presents. I still had to wrap presents for HIM and a few extras for the beach urchins but no big deal.
Once upon a time I swore to myself that I would never work for Corporate America again. Twelve years ago I sucked it up (took the drug test and everything) and returned to Cubelandia. Here I am today with a job I love and enough paid time off before xmas to be able to hang out shopping and cleaning and even entertaining a bit 🐸
P.S. It was warm enough today that I could sit in the back yard for a bit. It was in the 50s this afternoon but I still walked out there with my balaclava on. After about two minutes, I took my balaclava off and dredged around the bedroom for a sun hat.
December 29th, 2019 at 12:40 am
It’s been warm here too, and our mountains need snow! Desperately. I wrapped presents early and am very glad I did!