Terlet carousel or bust

The terlet carousel is part of an outdoor exhibit at MOCAD, the contemporary art museum in Detroit where one of the beach urchins works. The exhibit is called Robolights and the terlet carousel is supposed to revolve but it was broken again tonight. You can look up the artist. I loved the exhibit and it sounds like he is a force of nature although I’m not sure I want to know what his living space looks like. I don’t think I’ve seen so many old terlets in one place since the time we dropped mattresses off at the Sault Ste. Siberia habitat facility. At a glance the terlets in the carousel looked pretty clean and that is a good thing given my gag reflex.

I have been wanting to visit this exhibit since it opened back in October or whenever. One of the issues is that the best time to see it is after dark. That’s not all that hard to do in the winter in the Great Lakes State. It is just now beginning to not be dark when yer fav-o-rite blahgger gets home from Cubelandia in the afternoon. The flip side of that issue is that yer fav-o-rite blahgger pretty much turns into a pumpkin when she gets home from Cubelandia and doesn’t usually like to go, you know, OUT again. She is an introvert and is NOT a night owl. Not to mention the Man Cold and generally higher level of hustle bustle that accompanied this solstice holiday season.

So we’ve postponed and postponed and postponed. We had yet another tentative plan to visit Robolights this afternoon/evening and we almost postponed AGAIN! Why? Because a big fugly winter storm is scheduled to begin tonight and yer fav-o-rite blahgger got all freaked out about that even though the storm is not scheduled until after 10 PM and we were reasonably sure we would be safely back home on The Planet Ann Arbor well before it arrived. But! She sucked it up and so we picked up 🐭/🦝 at the Ypsi park-and-ride and schlepped on downtown.

So glad we did. Fun time at the exhibit with Lizard accompanying us, a drink at the lovely MOCAD bar to sort out where to eat, dinner at the Cass Cafe a couple blocks away, then home again with DRY ROADS all the way. Whew!

We ran into someone at MOCAD who tried to give me praise for raising my daughter well. I said a version of what her granddaddy said years ago when someone at MY old job said something like that to him: “I didn’t raise her. She raised herself.” And she did but she was also raised by that proverbial “village” that everyone is always trying to shove down our throats. Except that her “village” was real and consisted of large extended families. Grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins of all degrees. The GG and I did not do it alone. Not one little bit.

Now? Sittin’ on the Green Couch watchin’ for the snow to fly.

2 Responses to “Terlet carousel or bust”

  1. l4827 Says:

    Glad you made it back from ‘that’ storm… Ah, yes, our couch is occupied by T.V. watchers of the impeachment/’trial’ stuff. Snow, seems to be prolific in both [political/environmental] cases… Both ‘sides’ seem to have an interest stirring up… ah, dust(?). ‘No politic’ day(s) are truly useful…

    HB, with non-‘standing’ terlets, from JP&DP

  2. Margaret Says:

    Once I’m home (even now retired), it’s difficult to force myself to go out. Glad you made it to the exhibit and missed the Snowmaggedon. I agree about the village!