Penguin Hoosh
There were plenty of “rangers” to run the booth today. And I mean rangers. You shouldda seen our guys all dressed up in their khaki “uniforms” with all of their badges. They love to schmooze. I do not. I also don’t all that much enjoy looking at the other booths. It’s mostly the same stuff year to year. I don’t ever buy anything and the last thing I need to collect is paper brochures and stuff.
So since we had so many uniformed schmoozers, I attended presentations most of the day. A year in the boundary waters. A kayak trip down the west coast from the Alaskan border with Canananada to the US border with Mexico. Two provincial parks in Ontario, Algonquin and Killarney. Then there was the last one of the day, kayaking some of the areas of the Shackleton trip to Antarctica. All were good, this one was my fave, in part because of the exotic location and, well, Shackleton himself.
One summer when the beach urchins were young, a lot of the beach folk read the Shackelton book “Endurance”. That included me and at least those of the beach urchins old enough to read the book independently. Our presenter didn’t say anything about the stranded crew eating penguin hoosh but they existed by eating sea aminals (and their own dogs, I think) and penguin hoosh was one of their go-to dishes, if I remember right. We had a penguin lover amongst us and her already long moomincabin nickname grew to add “penguin hoosh” to the end of it: Pengo Janetto Cookie Tester Penguin Hoosh.
We finished our evening at Pizza House and boy oh boy after a breakfast of two McDonald’s hash browns and a lunch of granola bars, pizza hit the spot. I did have to remind myself over and over and over again that this is the GG’s *thing* and I should expect, well, I won’t say what. Just that while everyone else was *talking*, I was absorbing most of what was going on. It’s a good thing I am able to entertain myself.
G’night, KW
Fun “fact”: not sure if this is really a fact but there are Shackleton’s Shackletons [jeebus with the apostrophes KW] in my hometown and one of them was a good friend of The Comm and Radical Betty and she maintained that Shackleton of Antarctic fame was a distant relative.
February 29th, 2020 at 9:23 pm
This sort of weekend makes for good experience.
March 1st, 2020 at 6:50 pm
One would need to be an adventurous eater to endure those conditions. Ugh. I’m always a little uncomfortable doing those sorts of events, but feel good and educated afterward. Short term pain, long term gain?