Boy Toyz
So the GG did a bunch of stuff outside and then got Mooon Yooonit all loaded up with the purple kayak. What surprised me was that when he drove outta the Landfill driveway, he was also towing the Lyme Lounge. Say what?
Every morning I get home from my 0-skunk-30 and I am warm until I am not. So as I do my morning internet rounds, I snuggle inside my blue buffalo plaid blanket on the Green Couch. It got warm today on The Planet Ann Arbor today and I ended the afternoon sitting in the back yard soaking up some beautiful sunshine. I needed that.
Because I telecommute somewhat frequently *anyway*, I sorta know who will be walking by on a regular basis. Now that *most* people are telecommuting (or laid off, sigh), I see people (and dogz) I have never seen before.
So umpteen gazillion years ago I met the GG on a rafting trip to the Youghiogheny River in Pennsylvania. He was cooking a can on a little stove. After the trip I told my cousin (who was also on the trip) something like “Um, I think the GG, uh, like, *likes* me.” She worked with the GG and she sat back a bit, telling me that he would always talk about all the cute girls he liked all the time. I let that slide but I knew that he DID like *like* me and here we are all these bazillion years later.
The GG will probably “kill” me for posting the last paragraph!
April 2nd, 2020 at 8:19 pm
I do better on sunny days than not, although it also encourages the Covidiots to congregate and do what they’re not supposed to. So, I should hope for lots of rain and cold weather! I’m sure he will still “like” you after this post! 🙂