I get to post this pic once in a while

“It’s my birthday and I’m two and I can talk as well as you and this new skort outfit is so cute, I will just take off the outfit I’m wearing and put this one on, right here in the Landfill Back Room in front of everybody. And I have a new hat from my Gramma and these fancy high-heeled shoes that belong to my sister. And… My Mouse!”

I won’t say how many years ago this was. More than I am strong enough to count, that’s for sure. A few years ago we celebrated this one’s bday by attending a play she was acting in, dinner at the Landfill, then a wee bit of a nightcap in the Lyme Lounge, where we sang along to 90s alternative rock. This totally cracked our then neighbor up. Our driveway is a few feet from their house. No social distancing there so good thing there are walls.

This year. Well. Hmmm. We are not gathering. I don’t even have an actual gift, you know, the kind you can actually open. I venmoed some money instead. It’ll have to do. I did make sure to stipulate that it was BIRTHDAY money, not money to buy me groceries.

In the beginning? Not to get TMI but this one was three weeks early. Given the personality that immediately emerged, we figgered we knew why. GET ME OUTTA HERE!!! Early though it was, we expected all was well and it was and we were bounced outta the hoosegow after about 24 hours. And so it began.

Aside from the typical kinds of struggles that happen with a mother and daughter who are both “spirited”, I never had one iota of trouble with this person. Highly intelligent, creative, empathetic, and many-talented. A total force of nature. In this difficult time an essential worker who volunteers to shop for her parents and other households who need food and can’t or shouldn’t go shopping.

HB 🐭🧡🧡🧡

2 Responses to “I get to post this pic once in a while”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Happy Birthday to Mouse! Love the picture!!

  2. jane Says:

    Happy Birthday Mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to give you a big ol’ hug!