Catchin’ a few rays at the end of the day before the Polar Vortex deep freeze sets in
My work friends have short memories about what Old Man Winter is capable of in the merry merry month of May. Snow? Snow? Really? Yes. We do get snow in May. We don’t get it every year and the cold temps are usually not sustained. It was in the 60s today. It’s gonna go below freezing over the next few days. Will it snow? I dunnow. I’m just gonna hang out on the Green Couch aka TeleCubelandia, watching whatever comes down and whoever goes by, which’ll prob’ly include a rodent picking up a flour delivery.
I was cranky about the GG not starting up Satty-lite radio tonight. I wanted to turn the news off and then I realized the news was actually providing some feel-good stories.
1) More and more businesses in our area have PIVOTED to meet the needs of their customers with curbside delivery, etc. I hope that story runs again because I came into it half-way and there were some resources I didn’t quite catch.
2) I almost turned the next story off. It was about testing sewage for the coronavirus. I was like NOOOOOO but then the young post-doc woman they were interviewing was LAUGHING and I kept listening and realized that testing sewage might have a role in controlling the virus. You can kvetch and gnoff about phd equaling “piled higher and deeper” but we need people who can FOCUS in this kind of way. I am sure this woman takes the whole situation very seriously and I think she was laughing in part because she was actually being interviewed about “poo” on NPR 🧡
3) This is not technically a feel-good story. The Ann Arbor Art Fair(s) are not happening in 2020. I used to go to the art fairs all the time when I was a “kid”. For many years now I have practiced Art Fair Avoidance. I’ve been kinda over the crowds, etc., for a LOOOOONG time and my fave jeweler couple died. It’s very sad that it’s canceled but I agree that 400,000 people wandering around everywhere in downtown Planet Ann Arbor (population approximately 120,000) any time soon is a bad thing.
May 7th, 2020 at 7:11 pm
They’ve cancelled our Daffodil Festival, the Spring Fair, and will probably cancel Meeker Days in June. I’m not sure about our big fair in September. I haven’t heard. I think I read something about the poo and tracking coronavirus. I’m not sure that I paid that much attention!
May 7th, 2020 at 7:25 pm
literati is now offering curbside pickup!
May 7th, 2020 at 7:44 pm
And we are supposed to hit 80 on Sunday.!
I think they are testing for the C in Tacoma’s waste stream. (Very close to Puyallup)