Hotter than Hades

It was hotter than Hades on the beach this afternoon. We’ve had an offshore breeze since we got here, meaning Gitchee Gumee is not blowing a gale at us. We are in the “lee” for now and it is hot. Am I complaining? No I am not! I’ve been here on Memorial Day weekends when it was 40 degrees. But it was hot hot hot and the water is too cold for swimming, at least for meeeee.

So I finally decamped to the deck where a nice breeze was coming out of the swamp. Alas, it wasn’t enough to keep the mo-skee-toes down so we finally beat a hasty retreat INTO the cabin.

Back to the Planet Ann Arbor tomorrow. Where curbside pickup is easy to arrange from small specialty shops and we have rodent and Argus and Amazon delivery. As always I struggle with the transition between my home (the yooperland) and my adopted home (the Planet Ann Arbor). I love them both very dearly and it’s particularly hard this summer with COVID lurking wherever. Missing the days when we could just pack up and head north. Rest area? Yes, next one. What did we fergit? We’ll just stop at Best Choice in HL or Family Fare in Iggy to stock up. No prob. Not this time…

One Response to “Hotter than Hades”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Glad you got away and got some warm weather. But it’s all so different now, and I hate that. 🙁