In which a “murder hornet” 🐝 invades TeleCubelandia
Will I ever go back to RealCubelandia? Yes, probably. I remember the first time I walked into that place. I had never been inside a cube farm before and here I was and who was this big bear of a man who would become my beloved boss. 12 years now although the LSCHP has moved on and now I work for Amazon Woman.
I think we will re-open the office at some point. I don’t know when but when we do it sounds like we won’t be forced to return since things are working very well as they are.
I miss:
— my Zen Commute, purring over there in the Ninja (plus that I can telecommute when it snows)
— not having to be with the GG 24/7 (I married you for better or worse but not for lunch)
— having an accessible printer because sometimes a hard copy makes it easier to focus on a complex issue
— Farmer John’s lunchroom market!
— the “nature” surrounding RealCubelandia
— A/C, at least I’m starting to miss it (we have central A/C, I just don’t like to use it)
— FZ but he retaaaarrrred a month ago so he won’t be there when we do re-open
But here at TeleCubelandia, I have:
— the Green Couch
— nature, just different nature
— neighborhood goings on to monitor (dogz and their people, street cleaners, garbage trucks, whatever)
— my own personal bathroom
— being able to sit in the back yard (now that it’s usually warm enough) for breaks and an after-work cocktail
My fave @PlumMarket recently started up delivery and curbside pickup. I have a direct connection to that market so I have been getting personal deliveries from there since The Beginning but I also have been eye-balling their new service and today I made my first order, which I am scheduled to pick up tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. They had afternoon pickup slots available but what the heck, I am a morning person. If all goes well, that may become my main shopping method although I will still use some of the others.
Because I didn’t know how the pickup would work over there, I made a little reconnaissance run over to their parking lot in the Ninja today. It needed to be “droven” anyway, since the last time anyone drove it was last Saturday when I moved it from the street to the driveway. It was covered with seeds and other organic material. We need a really good rain!
So I was oot and aboot for a bit today and wouldn’t you know, there was a PROTEST in Vet’s Park near the skate park (across N. Maple from the Plum). I saw a po-leese car with its lights flashing in the Aldi’s lot on my way OVER to the Plum but I didn’t see the protest until I was on my return trip. It looked VERY peaceful and quite sparsely attended. This is a liberal, relatively upscale city and our local police do not have a reputation for brutality but I know that bad things sometimes happen. Not today. Thank you Zeus.
Oh yeah, somehow some kind of fugly stinging insect made its way into TeleCubelandia this afternoon (I’m sure it is not an actual “murder hornet”). That kind of thing rarely happens at RealCubelandia. Sometimes there are fruit flies when Farmer John’s Market is in full swing and once a wolf spider and about a bazillion spider babies caused FZ to jump out of his skin at a meeting. But Amazon Woman swung into action and stage-managed them all OUT. As she does.
G’night, KW
June 4th, 2020 at 8:46 pm
A great list of positives about each place. I know that younger daughter has been given the choice to work 100% from home, 100% at the job(although they’re not open yet), or 50/50; she would prefer half and half. Ashley hates teaching remotely, but I’m pretty sure that Vassar will do it that way, at least for the first semester. I’ve figured out my Safeway pick up routine, but still haven’t done the pick up dinner thing. I need to try it, since I would like to support local restaurants.