Who’s the messiest?
Another photoooo courtesy of my cousin the Grand Poohbah (nicknamed after Winnie ther Pooh) and I asked for permission this time, my usual modus operandi. This is yer fav-o-rite blahgger working on a “crib quilt” on the moomincabin deck. The small child behind me is now my Rodent Delivery person and don’t be fooled by her outfit. There is a bathing suit underneath that t-shirt. Maybe even her “two-pee” but I can’t tell. But she is not
bear bare.
My cousin Pooh is a much more prolific fiber artist than I am. She makes a quilt for every new baby that comes along, family and friends’ babies as well as the teachers she subs for while they are on maternity leave. Her paying career in this phase of her life is long-term sub in her local school district. She is a very popular sub, which doesn’t surprise me at all because she is one of the most intelligent, creative people I know and relates very well to children. Unlike her older (by a few months) cousin (meeeee) who would be a TERRIBLE teacher. As an old friend of mine who was trained as a teacher but didn’t pursue a career as one once said, “I would want to KILL the kids.” (Of course I would NEVER kill a kid. I don’t even always kill things like Murder Hornets.)
I posted a fugly of my [mostly unused] studio yesterday and she sent me an old pic of one of her migrating studios from a much earlier year. I gnoffed at how messy it was but Been There Done That (and there again…). I think all Creative Types (as BFF archaeologist calls them) struggle with how to organize their constantly evolving stash of materials, supplies, books, and tools. Not easy.
Speaking of creative types, I bagged TeleCubelandia early today because my Rodent Delivery Service (RDS) was coming over to deliver whine, pick up a cooler and some ice packs, and drink whine with me. We were well socially distanced (more than six feet) in the back yard. So glad it’s warm enough outside to meet that way. We’ve been staying away from each other in person since March 12 and we’ve been doing fine but it is soooo nice to meet with folks in person again, even at a distance. And we DO meet at a distance because we are all convinced that this virus is not finished with our planet yet 🧡🧡🧡
June 16th, 2020 at 7:34 pm
In my 37 years in the classroom, I never wanted to kill any kids 😉 but I certainly did want to tell some of them off in cutting terms. However, I’m more of a “kill them with kindness” type; although firm and with boundaries, I also tried to be understanding and loving. It’s not easy at all to be a kid these days. Love the photo of mouse–what a beautiful blond head! I too am enjoying spending some time with my parents, although not as distanced as we probably should be.