You wash your Red Thing and I’ll do the rest
The Red Thing is the GG’s new favorite grill toy. I ordered it on impulse from an Instagram ad. Actually it’s from Le Creuset and I *saw* it on an Instagram ad and then went over to the LC site and searched for it. I don’t USUALLY buy things on impulse and sometimes when I do they end up being duds. This has not turned out to be a dud. It works on the gas grill. It works on the little stove in the Lyme Lounge. It was loosely a father’s day gift and he likes it so much he won’t even let me wash it. I guess that’s a good thing although I have always been a compulsive dish washer.
If I water my flowers doo-ya think it’ll rain? The GG washed Mooon Yooonit yesterday and that didn’t make it rain. There was a lot of thunder this morning. It went on intermittently for a couple hours and some of it was pretty close. Rain? Five minutes of light sprinkle. We aren’t really in a drought or anything but I want it to rain.
With renewed flinging energy, I somehow fell roly-poly pell-mell back into list-making. I am intermittent about list-making and my strategies vary wildly from Winging It to elaborately detailed spreadsheets to post-it notes everywhere. Can I just say that Winging It has not worked very well as a pandemic list-making strategy? And I don’t really buy office supplies any more so I am down to maybe one pad of small post-it notes. I used to buy TONS of those! A spreadsheet is fine for my address book but overkill for grock and chore and fling lists. I can remember back in the day when the beach urchins were little I did use a spreadsheet organized by aisle per store.
I switched over to making grock lists, etc., on a simple iPhone app years ago. My grock list strategy *still* continually morphs and it CERTAINLY has during the pandemic. When I used to do my own in-person shopping (until early March 2020), I would make a list for each store: Big Store (i.e., Meijer/Kroger), Plum Market, farmers market (seasonal produce and meat/seafood from Kerrytown shops).
Nowadays I put everything onto one big list and when I have enough stuff to put an order in at one place or another, I order the stuff from my list I think they’ll have. I won’t bore you with the details because it involves the “soup” in my brain to manage it and it is sometimes fun and sometimes exhausting. If I am picky about a brand/form-factor or don’t want to have a text conversation with a personal shopper about, say, deoderant deodorant, I order it from Amazon.
I’ll leave you with two things from both ends of the spectrum: 1) I won’t be needing deodorant for the foreseeable future because I accidentally ordered two sets of four (that’s EIGHT) deodorants early in the pandemic. 2) It’s highly unlikely my onions are tainted with salmonella because they came from the Argus Farm Stop, which is produce from local farmers (and lots of other interesting stuff).
August 16th, 2020 at 7:17 pm
We did throw out one vidalia onion, because we just weren’t sure. Our next purchase was at a farm based market.
August 17th, 2020 at 1:05 pm
I have an onion of unknown provenance that I’ll probably toss. It’s strange how those impulse buys can sometimes work out so well. I tend to be disappointed in the items that I’m sure will work, and don’t. (whereas happy surprises like the tray are fortuitous) I add to my list until I am running out of essentials, then go to the store, about every two weeks. The shopping takes me about 20 minutes(if that) and I only go in if the parking lot looks empty.