I woke up to it. I bagged my walk because thunder. There was enough rain that I didn’t have to water my flowers. We got a little more mid-morning. I un-muted myself during the daily stand-up so the folks in the meeting could hear my thunder (again). Most of the storms skirted the Planet Ann Arbor, oddly heading southeast from the Traverse City area.
After the second mini-storm Mr. Golden Sun shone down the rest of the day and last I looked it was 88 here (felt like 94 though). I can handle that heat and am still steadfastly refusing to turn on the A/C. Funny that I can manage to concentrate enough to do my job at HOME without any A/C but over at Cubelandia, the few times the lucky-shucky went out, it was too hot there to work. Once when that happened, the BA team, then led by the LSCHP, decamped to a “wings” joint down the road for a design session enhanced by beer/whine. That’ll never happen again and nowadays, *I* am the BA team…
I can’t remember the last time it rained here but my fave MLive weather guy is predicting that rain is going to ramp up in the near future.
For a minute just now I thought I heard thunder again but it turned out to be somebody with big woofers or whatever they are in their vee-hickle.
The pic? It’s a new Hipstamatic (not to be confused with Instagram) lens and film. I play with Hipstamatic occasionally. What are those birds? I was dumbfounded by them at first because hummingbirds sometimes buzz my impatiens and I thought the cam had captured one. But probably not. I think this particular “surreal” lens/film combo added the birds in because it detected flowers? Maybe? Whatever.
August 26th, 2020 at 8:18 pm
We got some much needed rain a few days ago, but now we’re back to sun and 70s, my favorite temps. It’s not stormy though, thankfully! It’s cool at night which reminds me that fall is coming. I’ve never heard of Hipstagram!
August 26th, 2020 at 8:40 pm
Love that photo. Don’t look like hummingbirds….