Static electricity
I was skeptical when the GG was in the Duluth area hiking the North Country Trail in Wisconsin last week and sent me this pic of his AirBnB. My first thought (after my usual COVID cowardice) was that he was staying in that trailer. Then I thought something like, “He’d probably LIKE to stay in the trailer.” As it turned out it was NOT the trailer, it was a decent place, and he had two or three nights there. Alone and no shared bathroom, although I don’t think “we” are all that worried about toilet plumes.
And home to technical difficulties. Yesterday morning, I was two minutes away from a meeting that I had to RUN when my normally fast and stable wifi suddenly quit and I couldn’t get connected again. Panic? Yes! Do I remember how to set up a hotspot on my phone? Haven’t done it since two years ago when we were on our LSD trip to Florida and my work laptop wouldn’t connect to the hotel wifi.
The GG said, “Did you try DoubleOaked?” Whut? I have been seeing DoubleOaked in the router (correct word?) list forever but I didn’t know it was US! I had been using trusty old Ratfink, thinking DoubleOaked was a neighbor. I shouldda known better than that since I have taken a Bourbon Trail tour at Woodford Reserve! So back on (after a little more futzing around).
But he has a new computer. iMac I think? Big one. I only use laptops these days, MacBook Pro and Dell something or other. Mac OS, IOS, Windows, MTS? An OS is an OS is an OS. But the old iMac wouldn’t back up. After a couple days of futzing with that problem, the diagnosis was that we needed a new backup drive, so over to Staples and I THINK he is more or less back in business or getting there. And it sounds like the backup drive played some kind of role in my problem with Ratfink but who knows. I am of NO help in these kinds of situations. I have terrible karma with hardware. Crappy software I can usually bludgeon my way through. If I LOOK at hardware, it disintegrates or melts or blows up or whatever.
Alas, I am probably next for a replacement. My MacBook Pro is a 2013 model and I’m pretty sure it can’t handle the latest and greatest OS. I’m not sure about Photoshop either. I have CS3 which I bought on student discount when I took classes at WCC and that was like 15 years ago. Onward.
P.S. Bad Orange Man, you did not “save” college football and I do not want your stupid signed Trump-Pence football. Jeebus!
October 15th, 2020 at 8:54 pm
Considering that players and coaches are now coming down with Covid19, it would probably be better that he shut up about it. Be Best, Donnie! 😉 I used to tinker around with computer issues and sometimes fix them, but I’m not as brave now. Plus, it takes too much time! A 7 year old laptop is amazing. I can barely get a couple years out of mine!